酒莊:Vynfields 維尼菲德酒莊
產區:紐西蘭 Marlborough
全名:Vynfields Classic Riesling
中文:維尼菲德酒莊 經典麗絲玲白酒
葡萄品種:100% Riesling
Vynfields維尼菲德酒莊的Riesling非常成功,除了有當地冷冽的天氣,另外都要歸功於釀酒師Kai Schubert,他是位德國人,曾向德國五串葡萄酒莊Dr. Loosen學習,身負Loosen家釀造Riesling的精隨,在紐西蘭把優質Riesling完完整整的表現出來,釀造出豐厚飽滿的Riesling好酒,更保留了細膩酒質。
經典麗絲玲白酒Classic Riesling為半甜型白酒,純淨的熱帶水果,蜂蜜與柑桔香氣,酸度自然宜人,擁有非常好的平衡感,不會讓你感覺到甜膩,尾韻表現出帶酸味的甜蜜花果,終感悠長。
The Classic Riesling has characteristic richness with hints of citrus, tropical fruits and honey. A well balanced medium-sweet wine providing an excellent balance of sweetness and acidity. The wine has an elegant long lasting finish. Again, a very versatile wine - magnificent as an aperitif; with fois gras terrine; Thai spiced dishes; fresh fruits and other mango deserts; blue cheese; – an “anytime” wine!
Winestate - 5 STARS
Invitingly scented, impressively concentrated red, grown organically. Full-coloured, with a savoury, spicy bouquet leading into a complex, vibrantly fruity and deeply flavoured palate. Built to last, but also delicious in its youth. - Michael Cooper