五號精選 - Opus One 2013 美國 第一樂章紅酒
酒莊:Opus One 第一樂章
產區:美國 Napa
全名:Opus One
葡萄品種:77% Cabernet Sauvignon、12% Merlot、5% Cabernet Franc、3% Petit Verdot、3% Malbec
Opus One是美國最知名的膜拜酒,法國與美國兩大重量級龍頭的第一次合作,也是唯一合作!
Opus One每個年份的葡萄組成比例都不相同,這是酒莊為了釀造出均衡好酒所下的努力,每一年都精心嘗試與調配。
Opus One雄壯而男性化,不需太多人為努力便可以呈現他的醇厚與豐富,濃郁飽慢的酒體散發出皮革與黑莓果香氣,烘烤草本植物,碳燒氣息,單寧微甜而且強勁,酸度不過高,整體的架構與集中度都很好,成熟期至少15年以上。
Robert Parker:97 points
Not surprisingly, is a bigger, more muscular, less charming effort displaying unbridled power, full-bodied richness, and notes of new saddle leather, black fruits, roasted herbs, and burning embers. Powerful and rich with sweet tannin, low acidity, and more structure and density as well as less nuance and complexity, should be consumed over the next 15+ years.
Wine Spectator:92 points
Firm, dense and concentrated, with excellent structure and a complex mix of herb, currant, sage and spice, providing a tight, savory profile. Ends with a loamy currant character.