五號好酒- Joseph Phelp Insignia
Cabernet Sauvignon使用比例優秀,是『復刻精神』,更是最值得收藏的『徽章』。
酒莊:Joseph Phelps 約瑟菲利普
產區:美國 Napa
原文:Joseph Phelp Insignia
中文:約瑟菲利普酒莊 勳章旗艦酒
葡萄品種:95% Cabernet Sauvignon、5% Petit Verdot
2001 / 2002 / 2010 / 2012 / 2014
70年代當時,美國飲用葡萄酒風氣仍不旺盛,大部分葡萄酒都是以品種為名出售,約瑟菲利普Joseph Phelps酒廠是加州第一家以公司品牌為名,生產傳統波爾多混釀的酒廠,這對當時來說是一大突破,舊有傳統釀酒法漸漸加入新興觀念,勳章『Insignia』代表的便是『年度最優』,每年釀造的葡萄比例與品種皆不相同,以釀造今年最優質的酒為目的,所以每年的成品都會有些許差異,相對於波爾多的繁文褥節,酒廠能夠支配的元素可是自由的多。
勳章『Insignia』自釀造以來,數十年都被認為是加州Napa最有代表性的膜拜酒之一,使用的葡萄品種有五種,包含Cabernet Sauvignon、Merlot、Petit Verdot、Malbec與Cabernet Franc,皆是由加州不同產區,所精選出來當年品質最好的葡萄,每年的調配組合雖不相同,卻都能夠有精湛演出,2005年的Wine Spectator雜誌便選則2002年份的Insignia為百大第一名,加州薄拜酒始祖之一,2004年開始,所有釀造Insignia的葡萄皆是酒莊自己所有,品質更為提昇。
勳章飄散著許多黑色莓果香氣,石墨,咖啡,可可粉,甘草等等,香氣濃烈卻均衡,結實酒體與細緻的單寧讓這支酒展現宏偉氣魄,質感集中,在味蕾展現的層次感更令人驚奇,現在喝比2005年份還嚴肅,這是高比例Cabernet Sauvigno帶來的風韻,是極度令人期待的好酒,
Wine Advocate:95+ points
The 2006 Insignia (95% Cabernet Sauvignon and 5% Petit Verdot; 16,000 cases produced) is a superb effort in this vintage. Another 30+ year wine, it boasts a dense plum/purple color as well as abundant notes of licorice, black currants, charcoal, black olives, and graphite. Full-bodied, pure, and rich with moderately high tannins, it represents a California version of a Bordeaux from Pauillac or St.-Julien.
Wine Spectotor:94 points
Teasing with its floral, spicy cherry, wild berry and currant aromas, this is full-bodied, firm and structured, tight and focused, offering glimpses of what lies ahead with its complex mix of flavors and tightly wound tannins. Yet its finesse and refinement are apparent on the finish. Needs time. Cabernet Sauvignon and Petit Verdot.
Connoisseurs' Guide to California Wine:95 points
Already amazingly seductive with wonderfully rich aromas of sweet oak, cocoa and fully expressed fruit making a first-rate introduction, this riveting young wine in no way lets up on the palate and delivers deep, multi-faceted flavors that combine ripeness, sweet oak and very precise fruit in near-perfect proportion. As is often the case with Insignia bottlings, it is so beautifully balanced that it invites early drinking, and, while we do not condemn giving in to its charms, we also would lobby strongly for patience as its best years lie down the line.