五號好酒# 25 - Spring Mountain Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc 2014 巴黎世紀審判延續至今的優美白酒!
白酒的質地優雅、元素輕柔飄逸、細膩婉約,與波爾多Chateau Margraux的曠世白酒Pavillon Blanc『白亭』質地頗為相似!
酒莊:Spring Mountain 春之嶺
產區:美國 Napa Valley
全名:Spring Mountain Estate Sauvignon Blanc
中文:春之嶺 酒莊白蘇維翁
葡萄品種:87% Sauvignon Blanc、13% Semillon
『巴黎世紀審判』大家都耳熟能詳,不過絕大部分印象都留在紅酒,其實白酒方面的戰況更是精采絕倫!1976年5月24日這一日,有6款加州白酒與4款頂級勃根地白酒一較高下,其中包括Joseph Drouhin旗下的Beaume名園Clos des Mouches,以白酒聞名海內外,Leflaive家Puligny-Montrachet特優一級園Les Pucelles、以及Ramonet-Prudhon的特級園Batard-Montrachet,而當時春之嶺Spring Mountain的白酒,破天荒拿下第四名成績!把前述三款地位崇高的白酒踩在腳下;由於『巴黎世紀審判』事件對於葡萄酒界太過震驚,許多酒評仍然不敢相信,於是在20個月之後,1978年時在『洛杉磯重審』時又將所有酒款重新盲飲一回,這次Spring Mountain的白酒更下一成拿到第三名佳績,為加州酒奠定頂級名聲的基礎。
(4th)Spring Mountain Vineyard 1973
(5th)Beaune Clos des Mouches Joseph Drouhin 1973
(7th)Batard-Montrachet Ramonet-Prudhon 1973
(8th)Puligny-Montrachet Les Pucelles Domaine Leflaive 1972
(3rd)Spring Mountain Vineyard 1973
(4th)Puligny-Montrachet Les Pucelles Domaine Leflaive 1972
(6th)Beaune Clos des Mouches Joseph Drouhin 1973
(7th)Batard-Montrachet Ramonet-Prudhon 1973
不要以為加州酒都雄壯浩大,反其道而行的Spring Mountain,他的酒是以『纖細』聞名,是內行人才知曉的優雅史詩酒莊;收成於清晨時進行,並且使用冷浸泡以及低溫發酵等程序,確保細膩果香能夠保留,加上競爭過的葡萄串滋味豐富集中,形成一種『富力道卻同時節制多層次』的風格,與一般加州酒濃郁厚重的風格大異其趣,更多些女性婉約氣質!
相較於一般位於霧線下的加州酒莊,Spring Mountain葡萄園位於山坡上,由於少了降溫機制來壓抑葡萄活力,酒莊進行『高密度種植法』,迫使葡萄互相競爭,將獲得的能量其中於少數葡萄串,酒莊在不同的土質地塊上種植最適合的葡萄品種,也使用『永續農法』經營,使用『有機農法』也讓酒莊正式在2010年獲得認證,其中如不使用殺蟲劑,並提供鳥類與蝙蝠住所來控制害蟲數量等等,這樣健康的葡萄釀造出來的葡萄酒非常自然且有層次,滋味迷人。
使用波爾多白酒配方調配,於法國舊橡木桶中陳年4個月,避免清新果香遭受太多橡木桶影響,期間也讓酒液跟酵母接觸,酵母水解後產生更多複雜風味,帶柑桔花朵、鮮檸檬皮、甜潤奶油與礦石風味,也會轉成熟水梨氣息,果酸清新活躍,外層又圓融光滑,尾韻如柔軟的絲線般延長。2011年份僅產920箱,較冷的年份環境更讓這款白酒更為結實清新,一伙人喝過幾次,覺得與波爾多Chateau Margraux的曠世白酒Pavillon Blanc『白亭』質地頗為相似,雖然風格並非大開大合,而優雅質地裡,每個元素都輕柔飄逸,細膩婉約,非常適合獨開一瓶慢慢品嚐。
Citrus blossom, sweet butter, dry herbs, lemon curd, linden and minerals introduce the wine and prompt thoughtful reflection. Flavors of Asian pear and a repetition of the mineral and herb notes create a bright and lively mid-palate. Nuances of passion fruit and kiwi contribute to the lingering finish of this elegantly balanced wine.
The wine was cooler than normal, which gave our sauvignon blanc and semillon grapes more time on the vine to develop a full spectrum of optimal flavors. Signature Spring Mountain acidity gives the 2011 Sauvignon Blanc lovely structure and balance.
Since 1993, our estate grown Sauvignon Blanc has been styled along the lines of fine white Bordeaux. The grapes are whole cluster pressed and the juice is cold settled overnight. It is then moved to neutral French oak barrels where fermentation is completed. The wine is kept sur-lie for several months with weekly stirring. This marries the wine's bright flavors and acidity with the rich, yeasty elements provided by barrel contact. Batonnage and extended sur lie aging create a texture that weaves layers of fruit and vanilla into a rich and complete wine.