Crane Lake隸屬於JFJ Bronco Wine Company集團,是美國知名的best buy酒廠之一,酒款入選美國Trader Joe's門市,Trader Joe's專門挑選品質優異卻價格相對低廉的商品販售,能夠被選入,證明Crane Lake的品質無庸置疑,是非常適合日常飲用的餐酒。
In 1973 when Coca-Cola Bottling Company of New York purchased the family winery, the young Franzias decided to start their own operation. They formed Bronco Wine Company in December 1973, giving it the same rich heritage that marked the family's previous business.
Bronco Wine Company has succeeded in becoming a major varietal wine source to the California wine industry. As a vertically integrated agricultural concern, Bronco is visible on all levels of the industry. Our quest for quality begins with vineyard development and continues to grow into areas such as premium bulk wine contracts, research and development, brand development, marketing and distribution. Bronco is also a major custom bottler for several national wineries.
酒莊:Crane Lake
全名:Crane Lake Cabernet Sauvignon
中文:鶴湖酒莊 卡本內紅酒
葡萄品種:100% Cabernet Sauvignon
1974年Bronco Wine Compan成立,目前為美國第四大葡萄酒集團,其下擁有Napa Ridge、Coastal Ridge、Crane Lake等40多種品牌。
Bronco 葡萄酒集團在加州擁有30,000英畝的葡萄園,一年約可釀造兩仟萬箱的酒。
這隻Crane Lake的Cabernet Sauvignon香氣奔放且柔美順口,倒入杯中隨即充滿香草與甜美的黑色莓果氣息,酒體不會太濃,反倒是搭餐的最佳良伴,不會將食物的風采搶走。這樣的表現獲得專賣超值商品的美國Trader Joe's超市所青睞,選為主打酒款之一。