2006年才成立,被英國知名葡萄酒大師Jancis Robinson譽為『極有天份的年經釀酒師』!
西班牙最重要的酒評家Guía Peñín給予他94高分!形容『口感清爽、均衡可口』,英國知名葡萄酒大師Jancis Robinson給了18/20的極優評價,說他『均衡而細膩的Garnacha』,WA給予91分,評價『鮮活且富能量,可以優雅地陳年至2031年』!
酒莊:Domaines Lupier
產區:西班牙 Navarra
全名:Domaines Lupier El Terroir
中文:盧皮耶 風土 紅酒
葡萄品種:100% Garnacha
Domaines Lupier酒莊位在西班牙的Navarra區,全部葡萄園都是超級老藤,莊主是天才釀酒師Enrique和Elisa,這對才華洋溢的年輕夫妻致力尋找此區被遺忘而荒廢的古老葡萄園,積極搶救這些Garnacha(Grenache)國寶老藤,漸漸找出27處葡萄園,涵蓋不同土質、坡向與高度,這些地塊產出不同個性的老藤葡萄,可以做出最佳的調配。2006年成立酒莊,在使用『自然動力法』悉心栽培下,平均樹齡75年以上的老藤們重現生機,芳華再現。酒莊內最老的葡萄園在1903年時就已經存在,釀造出滋味集中又深沈的葡萄酒,但卻相當輕盈細膩,極為特殊。
酒莊僅出產兩款100% Garnacha釀造的紅酒,包括平均75年老藤的El Terroir與100多年老藤的La Dama,El Terroir僅有不到1,960箱產量,La Dama年產量更只有670箱,全都使用法國橡木桶陳年。
這款EL Terroir採用平均75年的老藤釀造,豐郁黑色漿果伴隨草藥氣息,風格質樸,還有令人喜愛的淡淡花香,成熟集中的紅櫻桃,黑李和乾燥香料,酸度鮮活,單寧絲滑卻飽滿,喝起來有可愛精靈的跳躍感,非常精巧均衡。
Guía Peñín:94 points
Color cereza, borde granate. Aroma equilibrado, fruta madura, floral, hierbas de tocador, especiado, cacao fino, roble cremoso. Boca fresco, frutoso, sabroso, largo, tostado.
Jancis Robinson:18/20 points
Garnacha. The second vintage from this new winery about which Luis wrote here. Lupier seems destined to be the reference in the Baja Montaña subregion. There's an impressive history behind these two talented young winemakers (Enrique Basarte and Elisa Úcar) who selected and bought only the oldest vines in the region (dating back to 1903) using the SIGPAC programme (a kind of Google maps for vineyards in Spain) in what can be considered a work of viticultural archaeology. The property produces just 40,000 bottles. The wine is really clean and intense, with lots of fresh black fruit, hints of earthiness and herbal notes. The palate is ripe but really velvety, savoury, fully charged with fruit but with enough acidity to refresh the palate. Really harmonious and elegant Garnacha. look out for it.
Wine Advocate:91 points
El Terroir is 100% Garnacha sourced from vines averaging 75 years of age across 12 different plots and aged for 14 months in French oak. Cedar, spice box, incense, and black cherry inform the nose of this structured, racy, elegant red. Its high elevation origins are reflected in its low alcohol (13.5%) and pH (3.25) making for a vibrant, charged style of wine that should age gracefully for another 15-20 years.
飲酒過量 有害健康