五號精選 - De Bortoli Noble One Botrytis Semillon (375ml) 澳洲 迪伯多利酒莊 尊爵貴腐白酒 |
酒莊:De Bortoli 迪伯多利酒廠
產區:澳洲 NSW
全名:De Bortoli Noble One Botrytis Semillon (375ml)
中文:迪伯多利 尊爵貴腐白酒
葡萄品種:100% Semillon
讓葡萄感染貴腐菌而釀造的甜酒,貴腐讓葡萄的水份流失而使釀造的酒口感濃郁,增加許多特殊風味,卻產量極少。陳新民老師『酒緣彙述』一書中形容他是『銀色月光下的喜悅』,台灣知名葡萄酒作家Jason Liu給予他9.4(滿分10)的高分,認為他『酒質秀逸』。
Noble One自1982年開始由Darren De Bortoli生產至今已經有超過20年的歷史。是澳洲最具指標性的甜酒。這次連澳洲總理Kevin Rudd拜訪梵蒂岡的教宗16世都特別選用Noble One 2006作為見面禮,真可謂是款“上帝也瘋狂”的頂級貴腐酒款,每年產量皆相當稀少,盲飲測試常常打敗許多法國索甸區甜白酒。
An array of aromas emerge from the glass - peach, cumquat, nectarine and floral honey complemented with hints of well integrated sweet vanillin oak.
Rich and luscious with layers of flavour including apricot, peach, citrus and subtle French oak. The wine is vibrant and finishes with a nice tang of acidity. Delectably intense and succulent.
Wine Spectator:92 points
Sweet and silky, this is complex with apricot, dried pear, wet hay and cream flavors that persist into the long, deftly balanced finish. Not at all sugary. Ends with mouthwatering lemon notes.
Wine Advocate:92 points
The Botrytis Semillon “The Noble One” has nearly 70% botrytis infected fruit. It was aged in French oak, 46% new. Medium gold-colored, it offers an enticing nose of orange peel, tangerine, and candied apricots. Balanced with lively acidity, this vibrant wine has a long, pure finish. It can be enjoyed now but will easily evolve for up to a decade.
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