五號精選 - Spy Valley Pinot Gris 紐西蘭 史拜酒莊 灰皮諾白酒
酒莊:Spy Valley 史拜酒莊
產區:紐西蘭 Marlborough
全名:Spy Valley Pinot Gris
中文:史拜酒莊 灰皮諾白酒
葡萄品種:100% Pinot Gris
灰皮諾Pinot Gris可以說是在Spy Valley大放光彩的白葡萄品種,冷冽的天氣讓他飽滿酒體更添加一份細緻,這支酒有著足夠的酒體,清亮的果香,梨子,瓜果香氣,尾韻伸展漂亮,還有些迷人的香料味,在各項比賽中接獲得『酒質均衡』的評語,單喝口感飽滿芳香,也特別適合搭配餐點。
Pinot Gris produces low yields of concentrated grapes on a stony riverbed terrace in our Marlborough vineyard. Grapes are gently pressed and fermented in stainless steel tanks to give intense floral and fresh pear flavours. This wine is produced from very ripe grapes, with intense aromas and a rich, minerally, persistent palate.
Classic Pinot Gris aromas of pear, melons and hints of exotic spices.
Concentrated and rich with a long, harmonious finish. Bright fruit is complemented by subtle lees influenced characters.
Nicely robust and full of flavour - Pinot Gris - Hospitality/Thirst magazine
Pure Silver medal - Air New Zealand Wine Awards
Balanced to perfection - WineNZ magazine
4 1/2 Stars - Best Wines - Winestate Magazine