五號精選 - Palliser Estate Sauvignon Blanc 2014/2015 紐西蘭 伯利瑟酒莊 白蘇維翁白酒
酒莊:Palliser Estate 伯利瑟
產區:紐西蘭 Martinborough
全名:Palliser Estate Sauvignon Blanc
中文:伯利瑟 白蘇維翁
葡萄品種:100% Sauvignon Blanc
紐西蘭的Sauvignon Blanc白葡萄酒可以說是以救世主的姿態,活絡了紐西蘭的葡萄酒業,通常一說到紐西蘭,通常就是想到他的Sauvignon Blanc,這款白酒清脆典雅,帶些豐富且帶誘人刺激性的熱帶水果味道,百香果與類花香氣息極為奔放,自然而豐富的果酸帶來令人口水直流的柑橘香尾韻,非常好喝!
曾出版『紐西蘭世界地圖』,獲得蒙大拿書展『非小說類大賞』大獎的Michael Cooper稱讚這款酒是『紐西蘭的經典葡萄酒』,是非喝不可,且喝了會輕易上癮的奔放滋味。
Michael Cooper - Classic Wines of New Zealand
In our Martinborough vineyards we train the vines to achieve a low canopy density and well-exposed fruit. This combined with judicious leaf plucking produces the distinctive fruit flavours in the wine. When the grapes are judged to be at their optimum maturity they are harvested and processed to retain the inherent fruitiness of this varietal