五號酒館 -
Palliser Estate The Great Marco Pinot Noir 2009
Palliser酒莊的釀酒師就是這樣一位愛狗人,他養了四條忠狗,而他的旗艦酒全以愛犬取名,這款汲取2009年份,酒莊最優質葡萄的精選,以感恩的心,打造了這款The Great Walter『華特之愛』,滿滿的心意,就如呵護己出一般!而2009則是他成立酒莊以來第五個年份。
紐澳最知名的素人酒評家Raymond Chan就非常破天荒的給了他『滿分五顆星』的評價!得分率是接近完美的19.5/20分,認為『香次層次多變』、『單寧細緻』且『有宏大的結構』!展現一款旗艦酒所不可或缺的格局與深度。
酒莊:Palliser Estate 伯利瑟
產區:紐西蘭 Martinborough
全名:Palliser Estate The Great Walter Pinot Noir
中文:伯利瑟 華特之愛 旗艦黑皮諾
葡萄品種:100% Pinot Noir
伯利瑟Palliser Estate位於紐西蘭北島南端的Martinborough產酒區,自1989年開始生產第一批葡萄酒,由於品質優良且廣受好評,現在已經有85公頃葡萄園,酒廠雖僅有22年的歷史,卻已經獲得許多國際酒評的讚賞,更因為價格合理且果香迷人,被許多星級飯店、餐廳與國際航空線選為用酒,現今紐約曼哈頓的五間米其林3星餐廳中,有四間都選用了Palliser的葡萄酒!
良好的地塊是Palliser Estate成功的絕大因素,Martinborough產酒區擁有海洋性氣候的穩定天氣環境,是北島雨量較少的產區,雨季集中在晚秋以及冬天,擁有非常陽光的夏季,秋季氣候則溫暖而乾燥,讓葡萄能夠達到十足的成熟狀態且不受病霉影響,加上葡萄園沒有太多灌溉與土壤太過貧瘠的問題,表土含有中大型礫石,在白天吸收陽光能量,並在夜晚釋放出熱能,讓葡萄達到更佳的成熟度。
Palliser Estate非常注重生態的均衡,除了將永續發展的概念帶進酒莊的栽種與生產,還是世界上第一個獲得ISO 14001標章的酒莊,代表有完整而能持續的『環境管理系統』,在酒莊總管Richard Riddiford與釀酒師Allan Johnson的主導下,酒莊風格走現代而甜美多汁的風格,同時保有可愛迷人的均衡性與地塊給予的複雜度,基本款系列的Pencarrow就已經展現天然果實的甜美風華,高階的Pailliser Estate系列則在容易暢飲的前提下,更帶多豐富多變的複雜性,其中最特殊的是以酒莊忠犬所命名的『Great Dogs』黑皮諾,現在釀造2009年份是第五個作品!
Palliser莊主是一位愛狗人,這款The Great Walter『華特之愛』是酒莊旗艦『忠犬系列』黑皮諾的第五款作品,使用來自勃根地的黑皮諾葡萄樹種,種植在酒莊排水最優良的地塊,加上寒冷卻充足的陽光,能夠獲得堅實飽滿的小顆葡萄果粒,蘊藏著濃縮的大自然風味,發酵前完全去梗,發酵前與發酵中都稍微浸皮,這樣步驟帶出了更多皮中的酚類芳香,陳年於60%新法國橡木桶中,是酒莊的旗艦黑皮諾。
使用布根地的777與667號優質無性繁殖系,並擁有排水良好的礫石次土層,葡萄健康成熟,發酵前實行五天冷浸泡以萃取新鮮果香,並有60%在新橡木桶中陳年16個月,擁有黑櫻桃、堅果、野味、辛香料與橡木桶帶來的圓滑香草氣息,有極為集中的堅實酒質,天鵝絨般的絲滑結構中帶著豐富而細膩的單寧顆粒,被包覆在層層的漿果與森林地塊風味之中,有非常好的陳年實力,這款『華特之愛』可輕易陳年到2020年。紐澳最知名的素人酒評家Raymond Chan就非常破天荒的給了他『滿分五顆星』的評價!得分率是接近完美的19.5/20分,認為『香次層次多變』、『單寧細緻』且『有宏大的結構』!展現一款旗艦酒所不可或缺的格局與深度。
Raymond Chan:5 Stars(19.5/20)
The fifth release in ‘The Great Dog' series of ultra-premium Pinot Noirs from Palliser Estate. Clone 777 and 667 fruit from vines planted in 1998 and 2000 in the ‘East Base' vineyard (aka the ‘Pencarrow' vineyard), fully destemmed and given an ambient soak and indigenous yeast fermented to 14.2% alc. The wine was matured 16 months in 60% new oak. Very dark, very deep, black-red with purple hues to the colour. The nose is densely packed with dark cherry-berry fruit and plums, with complex layers of toasty, charry oak, dark violet florals, dark herbs and Asian spices unfolding forming an intricate and ever-changing array of aromas. Medium-full bodied, this is hugely concentrated with flavours of very ripe dark berry and plum fruit and masses of spice, liquorice, oak toast, smoke and char. The palate is densely textured from serious extraction, the tannins fine-grained, but more than matched by the opulence and richness of the fruit. This has power with energy, good acidity adding to the fruit succulence, and the wine has a very concentrated and very long finish. A majestic, rich wine of heroic proportions, packed with ripe fruit and layers of spices and oak, yet with the structure to last 8-10+ years. Serve with slow cooked game meat dishes.
The Great Marco is a small bottling of specially selected 2009 Martinborough pinot noir. The wine is a blend of the Burgundian clones 777 and 667 Pinot noir grown on our Pencarrow Vineyard. This vineyard, with shallow soils over free draining gravel sub soils normally produces our best pinot noir and in 2009 with an excellent growing season this was again the case.
With excellent composition at harvest and nice ripe grape tannins the grapes were destemmed, cool soaked for 5 days then fermented warm and then kept on skins for an extended period to build a supple but substantial phenolics profile.
Matured in oak casks for 16 months with sixty percent new oak used.