酒莊:Spy Valley 史拜酒莊
產區:紐西蘭 Marlborough
全名:Spy Valley Envoy Pinot Noir
中文:史拜酒莊 使者黑皮諾(旗艦酒)
葡萄品種:100% Pinot Noir
史拜酒莊Spy Valley Winery於1993年由Johnson家族所創立,地處紐西蘭南島北邊的Marlborough馬爾堡產區,由於當時進駐此區的酒廠很少,Johnson家族特別選擇了Omaka河畔,偏內陸且海拔高,土壤較乾燥貧瘠,溫度特別涼爽,是馬爾堡產區最適合種植釀酒葡萄的美地,這裡過去有大片牧場,因附近曾有美軍的間碟訓練基地在此駐紮,酒莊因此取名Spy。
酒莊起初成名代表為Sauvignon Blanc白蘇維翁,漸漸的,需要冷冽環境的的Pinot Noir黑皮諾與Riesling麗絲玲白葡萄也嶄露頭角,展現出獨特的迷人性格,發展成一個風格別具的酒莊,獲得許多酒評肯定,國際葡萄酒與烈酒大賽IWSC(The International Wine and Spirit Competition)中獲選為『紐西蘭最佳酒莊』,同年的英國Decanter雜誌也評鑑他為『最佳的新葡萄酒製造商』,Wine & Spirits的餐廳投票評鑑(Restaurant Poll)中,酒莊也名列『最受歡迎紐西蘭酒』之中。
史拜酒莊有許多葡萄園,這支Envoy『使者』黑皮諾,來自莊園內最優質的Johnson Estate區,並精挑其中兩片特選的葡萄樹叢,這是『甜蜜點』(sweet spot)的概念,是酒莊幾十年經驗下來,認定園內最優質的葡萄樹群;收成時手工摘採並完全去梗,於橡木桶中陳年18個月,這支酒為酒莊精心打造的頂級黑皮諾,多虧紐西蘭得天獨厚的寒冷天氣,讓Pinot Noir表現細緻,果香豐沛,經過精選的葡萄讓這支酒更為濃郁飽滿,單寧絲滑,尾韻悠長,同時展現了力量與優雅。
這支旗艦酒Envoy『使者』黑皮諾,就如同使者的職責,象徵酒莊與當地優良風土的驕傲表現,是涼爽氣候加上適宜地塊的結合,在你品嚐這支頂級黑皮諾的同時,展現優雅美好的訊息印象,紐西蘭的Wine & Spirite給予18分的評鑑,認為他『表現非常雅緻又富含深度』,另外紐西蘭最受歡迎的Michael Cooper消費者購買指南則給予最高五顆星評價,並稱讚這支酒『嚴謹而迷人,酒質集中又口感綿柔』
NZ Regional Wine & Spirite - 18 / 20
came from 10/5 clone from the Johnson F and Bell Blocks, wild yeast fermented and aged 18 months in 60% new French oak. Medium ruby red colour with purple hues, this had an attractive primary fruited nose of raspberries and soft red fruits, quite gentle in expression, but with good depth. Elegant and supple on palate, the bright red fruit flavours showed some nuances of savoury, herb interest. The sweetness was well-balanced with moderate tannin grip. Both Pinot Noirs will be good drinking over the next 4-5 plus years. Many tasters saw a strong resemblance, in size, mouthfeel and flavour profile, liquorice being detected.
Michael Cooper's Buyer's Guide - 5 STARS
A serious yet seductive wine, deep and youthful in colour, it is finely fragrant, very rich and supple, with layers of plum/spice flavours, highly concentrated and velvet smooth.
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