義大利的Colombini科隆畢尼家族在Montalcino區的歷史可以追溯到1352年,雖然有非常久的家族歷史,不過卻是在1790年才正式成立Fattoria dei Barbi巴畢酒莊,1892年時,酒莊生產的Brunello di Montalcino紅酒,被當時義大利農業部(Ministry of Agricolture)評定為銀牌獎,讓酒莊知名度大開,不只當地轟動,名聲遠播海外。
酒莊釀酒至今已經超過220年,是一家遵循傳統釀造法的義大利酒莊,酒質裡充滿古典氣息,將Brunello di Montalcino區Sangiovese紅葡萄的本質發揮出來,而不是過多萃取與浸泡橡木桶的產物,古樸優雅,喝起來相當耐人尋味,是義大利經典的代表指標。現在酒莊除了Brunello di Montalcino,一般IGT酒款外,還有出產更高等級的Brunello di Montalcino Riserva陳年級紅酒,以及單一葡萄園的Brunello di Montalcino "Vigna del Fiore"費歐利園,皆是難以獲得的精釀。
The Colombini family owns lands in Montalcino from 1352 and acquired Fattoria dei Barbi in 1790. The extension of the vineyards is approximately 100 hectares, about 20% of the total surface.All the vineyards are exposed towards the southern and the south-eastern side of montalcino.The soil is mostly rocky with a small percentage of clay; a small part is also composed of sand.The winecellar consists of 10662 hl of wine kept in stainlesssteel vats, 4900hl in cement vats,277,50 hl in small wooden barrels called "caratelli",221,50 hl in "barriques",230hl in "tonneaux", and 3737 hl of wine aged in medium and large sized Slavonian oak casks.The bottles produced in a year are approximately 700.000.
In 1790 the Colombini family bought the Barbi Farm. This was the beginning of a success story in wine growing. Excellent wines which in 1892 achieved a very important goal: a silver medal from the Ministry of Agricolture. It would be the first of a long series of acknowledgements from both Italy and the rest of the world. In 2007 the Barbi wines reached the highest international lists with Brunello Riserva and Brunello Vigna del Fiore. Today the company is run by Stefano Cinelli Colombini, descendant of the lineage, keeper of an ancient traditions and also promoter of great technological innovations.