五號精選 -
Barone Ricasoli
Castello di Brolio
Chianti Classico Gran Selezione
義大利瑞卡梭利男爵酒莊 布利歐古典奇揚地紅酒
酒莊:Barone Ricasoli 瑞卡梭利男爵酒莊
Barone Ricasoli Castello di Brolio, Chianti Classico Gran Selezione
中文:瑞卡梭利男爵酒莊 布利歐古典奇揚地紅酒
葡萄品種:90% Sangiovese、10% Cabernet Sauvignon & Merlot
這款酒曾獲得 Wine Spectator 的百大第六名!!!
Wine Spectator:96 points(2006)
Ricasoli家族於西元1141年時創建,是世界上最古老的家族企業之一,家族的釀酒歷史可以追溯到15世紀,之中最出名的人物,要屬當時便住在Brolio城堡的鋼鐵男爵Bettino Ricasoli。在男爵之前的Toscana是沒有精細劃分酒質的年代,1872年時,Bettino Ricasoli男爵開始將Chianti的酒款做出區隔,一種是年輕時飲用的簡單酒款,另一種是適合在酒窖中陳年的嚴肅酒款,品質從此被劃分出界線,Bettino Ricasoli男爵所留下的分級概念對義大利葡萄酒帶來非常深遠的影響。
Chianti Classico DOCG是Chianti中的精華地帶,佔全區約20%的葡萄酒產量,通常都是非常嚴謹的酒款,主要品種為Sangiovese,要掛上這個DOCG名稱,最少必須使用80%的Sangiovese,古早的法規允許加入白葡萄品種一起混釀,常讓酒款過於清淡,但以品質為目標的酒廠會盡量甚至完全不使用白葡萄品種。可喜的是,自2006年起,所有白葡萄已經全面禁止使用。
The Castello di Brolio expresses the refined elegance that only the specific terroir of Brolio could produce. It is the “great wine” achieved by selecting the best grapes of Brolio, matured in barriques and with a long fining in the bottle that enhances its noble elegance.
Castello di Brolio’s production is closely connected to the evolution of the year’s harvest.Therefore, it is only possible when the quality fully expresses itself, creating complex wines, with great style and texture.
Wine Spectator:92 points
Rich and powerful, with loads of ripe blackberry character and hints of minerals. Medium- to full-bodied, with fine tannins and a long finish. Solid as a rock. Best after 2006.