五號好酒 -
Pecchenino San Giuseppe Barolo 2007
義大利葡萄酒指南Gamberro Rosso口中的Iconic Winery『模範酒莊』。
酒莊:Pecchenino 佩契米諾
產區:義大利 Piemont
全名:Pecchenino Barolo San Giuseppe
中文:佩契米諾 巴羅鏤 聖朱謝園
葡萄品種:100% Nebbiolo
義大利Pecchenino佩契米諾酒莊在十七世紀末便開始釀酒,是非常古老的一間酒莊,現在由Attilio與Orlando兩兄弟管理,原本僅有8公頃葡萄園,由於品質卓越,後來更購買鄰近優良葡萄園,現在已經有25公頃的栽種面積,其中22公頃在生產Dolcetto極為出名的Dogliani區,另外3公頃則在Monforte d'Alba區。
酒莊不特別將葡萄晚採收,但因擁有許多向南面坡地,且實行低產量,葡萄的成熟度與風味都相當完美,英國Wine Spectator雜誌在2011年3月專文『Feature on Piedmont』一文中探討了Dolcetto這個當地極為盛行的品種,評比多家酒莊後,給予『其中一個佼佼者就是Pecchenino佩契米諾酒莊』(One of the best there is Pecchenino.)的結論,甚至比名廠Bruno Giacosa的Dolcetto d'Alba評鑑更高,大放異彩!
酒莊除了Dolcetto相當出名,釀造Barolo也是得心應手,旗下有兩款Barolo,這款San Giuseppe聖朱謝園是朝向南面的優質葡萄園,釀造浸皮時以溫度28度持續20天,以萃取更多果香與風味層次,之後在大型橡木桶中陳年2年,知名義大利葡萄酒指南Gamberro Rosso稱Pecchenino是Iconic Winery『模範酒莊』。
Wine Spectator:94 points
An intense, ripe raspberry core provides the foundation for floral, licorice, tobacco and mineral elements. This is pure and racy, yet also lean and sinewy—a real thoroughbred. Shows terrific balance and harmony. Best from 2015 through 2029.
Wine Advocate:92 points
The 2007 Barolo San Giuseppe shows excellent fleshiness in its dark fruit. Shades of tobacco, licorice and flowers develop in the glass, adding further complexity, while darker balsamic notes are the last layers of flavor to emerge. This is a fairly delicate style that is likely to offer its greatest pleasure earlier rather than later. Anticipated maturity: 2014-2024
Wine Enthusiast:93 points
Gorgeous fullness and generosity characterize this bold Barolo as do its aromas of black cherry, spice, teriyaki and toasted hazelnut. San Giuseppe presents a classic expression of Nebbiolo that is especially evident in the fine, polished nature of the mouthfeel.