五號好酒 - Olim Bauda Monferrato "TRIGO" 2011 三代傳承釀酒技藝,三個獨具品種打造的美味紅酒
酒莊:Olim Bauda 歐尹鲍達
全名:Olim Bauda Monferrato "TRIGO"
中文:歐尹鲍達 翠格 紅酒
葡萄品種:40% Barbera、30% Freisa、30% Nebbiolo
位於北義Piemont區的Olim Bauda歐尹鲍達酒莊是個釀酒世家,多年來都由Bertolino家族經營,現在經驗已經傳承到第四代的兄弟姊妹身上,三位新生代Dino、Diana與Gianni在1998年就開始掌理酒莊事務,除了吸取前三代的寶貴葡萄園知識,他們三位也都是釀酒學系出身,是融合傳統經驗與現代科技的頂尖好手,他們的曾祖父在1927年6月18日就取得葡萄酒買賣執照,而早在這之前就有多年釀造歷史,加總已經超過一世紀,Olim Bauda可以說是深耕當地的耆老。
由於家族經營多年,酒莊旗下有許多老藤葡萄樹,讓釀造優異葡萄酒的目標一開始就佔了先鋒,酒莊在Asti大區有許多葡萄園,其中有塊特別釀酒區在Nizza Monferrato,是特別適合釀造Barbera的地方,出產全義大利品質最優異的Barbera紅酒。
The selection of the grapes takes place generally between the last week of September and the first of October and is made exclusively by hand. The grapes are pressed in the cellar of the estate and put into stainless steel vats for alcoholic fermentation and maceration that lasts for about 10-12 days. The wine was introduced into a cask of French oak (Allier) 18 HL for the aging of 18 months. After further aging in bottle, the wine is ready to be put on the market.
Tasting notes: Slightly darker color, nuance predominates nebbiolo, tight weave.
Nose: fruit of plum, currant, blackberry sorbet, elderflower.
Palate: dry mouth tannins supported by good acidity, notes of the same fruit on the nose with notes of dried mint and cocoa powder.
Serving sheep and goat meat, venison, aged goat cheese