五號好酒 - 來自義大利Barolo的名園Le Coste,酒評口中的『極致好物』!
這款來自義大利北部的Barolo,出自Monforte d'Alba區的名園Le Coste,是酒莊的旗艦酒款。
澳洲知名酒評作家Huon Hooke給予94高分,『單寧圓熟』且有『清爽酸度來支撐架構』是收藏家等級的優質Barolo,最擅長評鑑義大利酒,從WA出來的Antonio Galloni給予96高分,稱讚是『閃亮的明星』,WA給了94分並形容『鮮美與果香洽到好處』,WA則是給93分,說他有『極度的優雅細緻』,Gamberro Rosso則稱2004年份的Le Coste是Amazingly good『極致好物』!
酒莊:Pecchenino 佩契米諾
產區:義大利 Piemont
全名:Pecchenino Barolo le Coste
中文:佩契米諾 巴羅鏤 寇斯特園
葡萄品種:100% Nebbiolo
義大利Pecchenino佩契米諾酒莊在17世紀末便開始釀酒,是非常古老的一間酒莊,現在由Attilio與Orlando兩兄弟管理,原本僅有8公頃葡萄園,由於品質卓越,後來更購買鄰近優良葡萄園,現在已經有25公頃的栽種面積,種植Nebbiolo、Barbera與Dolcetto葡萄品種,以後者佔大多數,且甚至比北義名廠Bruno Giacosa的Dolcetto d'Alba評鑑更高,大放異彩。
Le Coste展現了Pecchenino酒莊最自豪的Barolo風範,橡木桶中陳年24個月,堅實的酒體結構,同時在細膩層次中展現淨透質地,降低產量而滲透出的成熟果香,搭配了薄荷以及辛香料點綴,礦石氣息訴說地塊的驕傲,複雜度令人激賞,酒體飽滿而帶精準的平衡,可以說一款酒能出現的優點他都具備了,不愧是酒莊的旗艦酒。
澳洲知名酒評作家Huon Hooke給予94高分,『單寧圓熟』且有『清爽酸度來支撐架構』是收藏家等級的優質Barolo,最擅長評鑑義大利酒,從WA出來的Antonio Galloni給予96高分,稱讚是『閃亮的明星』,WA給了94分並形容『鮮美與果香洽到好處』,WA則是給93分,說他有『極度的優雅細緻』,Gamberro Rosso則稱Le Coste是Amazingly good『極致好物』!
Huon Hooke:94 points
Vinous Antonio Galloni:96 points
Another dazzling wine, the 2010 Barolo Le Coste races across the palate with bright red cherry, plum, spice, hard candy, mint and rose petal overtones. The Le Coste is a bit more primary, perfumed, sweet and pliant-especially through the mid-palate than the San Giuseppe. Sinewy, powerful and tannic, the Le Coste is what traditionally made Barolo is all about.
Wine Spectator:94 points
Cherry, floral, tar, iron and mineral aromas and flavors mark this red, which is savory and fruity in equal measure. The sweet fruit is balanced by serious tannins, and the aftertaste reveals medicinal herb, tar, sweet spice and underbrush notes.
Wine Advocte:93 points
Barolo Le Coste is exceptionally elegant and graceful with an especially heightened focused on the smallest and most subtle nuances naturally present in Nebbiolo. Etched notes of smoke, dried berry, licorice, asphalt and pipe tobacco add complexity and intensity to the bouquet. Revisiting this wine in eight to ten years will yield exciting results.