酒莊:Tenuta dell'Ornellaia
葡萄品種:Cabernet Sauvignon、Merlot、Cabernet Franc、Petit Verdot
歐瑞納亞Tenuta dell'Ornellaia酒莊,是超級托斯卡尼『Super Toscan』的典範,他的同名旗艦酒Ornellaia已經是義大利最有名的佳釀之一。
超級托斯卡尼『Super Toscan』的由來:
四十多年前,義大利各地仍生產以日常飲用的葡萄酒為主,產量大品質一般。義大利Antinori家族的Ludovico Antinori先生在其姨丈創立以品質為追求目標的Sassicaia獲得空前成功後,在1981年也打造了Ornellaia酒莊,1985年產出第一個年份,同名旗艦酒Ornellaia隨即在1986年打響名號,成為義大利品質最優良的酒款之一。
Ornellaia使用波爾多品種釀造,因不符合當地法規,只能使用『日常餐酒等級VDT』,其上還有DOC與更高的DOCG等級,義大利當時出現許多這樣VDT等級的超級『低等』酒款,品質卻遠遠勝過其他高等級酒,因當時這類酒莊於托斯卡尼Toscan地區,便有超級托斯卡尼『Super Toscan』的稱號。
這樣混亂的現象讓整個義大利葡萄酒分級系統顏面盡失,有關當局便於1992年創立義大利『地區餐酒IGT』等級,讓這些超級托斯卡尼酒款歸為IGT之下,而如Sassicaia與Ornellaia這類國際明星級酒莊,當局更於1994年修改Bolgheri DOC法定產區的法規,讓他們歸屬其下。
Win Spectator:96 points(Wine of the Year)
A cool and sleek Tuscan red, with tarragon and fresh sage aromas, blackberry and cherry undertones. Full-bodied, with a wonderfully silky palate of fine tannins and a long, fruity finish. Very sophisticated and reserved.
Wine Advocate:93 points
Made in a relatively structured style for the normally succulent Ornellaia, the dense saturated ruby/purple-colored 1998 offers up aromas of pain grille, spice, smoke, black fruits, and graphite. Full-bodied, concentrated, exceptionally pure, and long, iVery impressive, but it requires patience.
IWC(Stephen Tanzer):94 points
(Saturated, bright ruby-red. Great nose offers a full range of aromas) cassis, raspberry, bitter chocolate, licorice, Asian spices. Dense, lush and sweet; a superripe Ornellaia that almost miraculously remains elegant. The raspberry and chocolate character follows through in the mouth. Finishes very fresh, with big, broad, chocolatey tannins and a late note of leather. Turned a bit more tannic with aeration, but this is still a rather feminine style of Ornellaia. This vintage offered perfect conditions, noted Duroux: a hot August, and dry conditions in August and September.