五號精選 - Markus Molitor Zeltinger Sonnenuhr Riesling Spatlese 德國 牧里德酒莊 日晷園晚摘甜白酒
酒莊:Markus Molitor
全名:Markus Molitor Zeltinger Sonnenuhr Riesling Spatlese
中文:牧里德酒莊 日晷園晚摘甜酒
葡萄品種:100% Riesing
出自Markus Molitor酒莊最好的日晷園,有著清蘋果香,怡人的酸度讓這支甜酒喝起來一點都膩,還有香草與奶油氣息,尾韻很長,非常容易喝的甜點酒類,Riesling不易氧化的特性,讓這支酒開瓶後仍能維持一星期以上的壽命,估計陳年十五年以上。
Wine Advocate:91 points
Riesling Spatlese smells of apple jelly and vanilla cream, and saturates the palate with just such a creamy and confectionary richness as the aromas lead one to expect. Hints of tart apple skin and the bitterness of vanilla bean and apple pip add some contrast to the wine’s creaminess and sweetness and some invigoration, without engendering any disharmony. The wine’s long finish is in no way superficially sweet despite the confectionary nature of its aromas and flavors. This polished performance should be worth following for at least 15 years.