五號好酒#130 - Joseph Drouhin Chablis Reserva de Vaudon 細緻優雅,在傳統與創新間取得平衡的頂級白酒
-Joseph Drouhin 約瑟夫杜亨。
Joseph Drouhin耕耘Chablis區長達40年,擁有此區27.3公頃土地,葡萄園離特級園不遠,介於Montee de Tonnerre與Mont de Milieu這兩個一級園之間。
酒莊:Joseph Drouhin 約瑟夫杜亨
產區:法國 Burgendy
全名:Joseph Drouhin Chablis Reserve de Vaudon
中文:約瑟夫杜亨 沃頓陳年級夏布利
葡萄品種:100% Chardonnay
Joseph Drouhin乃是布根地區頂尖的酒商之一,更是布根地地區最佳的酒莊之一!本莊於布根地擁有73公頃的葡萄良田,分散在近90個布根地的法定產區中,並和固定酒農簽定長期合作契約以穩定葡萄的品質!『酒質忠於傳統,於葡萄酒中精準地表現出每塊葡萄園的特色』,是百年來不變的釀酒鐵則!也因此,本莊從十多年前就開始進行『自然動力法』的栽種方式,到了2006年,自有葡萄園皆採自然動力法耕種。用最天然的方式來處理問題,則是本莊仰賴以久的信條!
1993年時,Drouhin家族為了與各地酒莊菁英進行交流,互通專業知識與提升釀酒技術,成立了一個『葡萄酒頂尖世家』協會,成員集結了世界各地知名的家族酒莊,包括法國波爾多的Chateau Mouton、德國的Egon Muller酒莊、西班牙的Vega Sicilia酒莊等,與這些世界名莊平起平坐。
和其他法國著名的葡萄酒產區一樣,酒莊在十九世紀末期遭受到根芽瘤蟲的侵襲,而整個荒廢掉;但在1960年代,Drouhin乃是首批重整旗下葡萄園,令其恢復生機的先驅者之一!Drouhin相中這塊得天獨厚的優良產區,相信稍加整頓必能恢復以往美名;更遑論來自於Chablis的酒莊家族,豈可沒有Chablis酒款呢?經過長時間的分析、現場的考察,並詢問當地的耆老,毫不猶豫地買下許多優良的葡萄園! 40年過後,Drouhin酒廠現由第四代接手,他們致力於將Chablis的白酒推向指標型酒款,於是在夏布利當地成立了Drouhin-Vaudon酒莊,2008年是Joseph Drouhin於Chablis地區深耕的第40年,為了紀念這個特別的年份以及18世紀就矗立於瑟漢河(Le Serein)旁的Vaudon水車,由此年份起,酒莊於Chablis的酒款皆以沃登Drouhin-Vaudon的名義銷售!
本莊於Chablis總共擁有27.3公頃的村莊級土地,葡萄的平均樹齡為24年,釀造此酒的葡萄完全採用Drouhin家族自有的葡萄園,這些葡萄園主要座落於Vauvillien Valley中,離夏布利特級園並不遠,介於Montee de Tonnerre與Mont de Milieu這兩個一級園之間。
Site: This wine comes from grapes exclusively harvested on the Drouhin Family Properties. These vineyards are mainly situated in the Valley of Vauvillien, not far from the Grand Crus, between the Premier Crus of Montée de Tonnerre and Mont de Milieu.
History & tradition: in the sixties, when the Chablis vineyards were all but abandoned, Robert Drouhin recognized the potential of this region which had been ravaged by the phylloxera disease a century before. He was one of the first Burgundy propriétaires who set about revitalizing the area.
Soil: the Kimmeridgian limestone contains millions of tiny marine fossils embedded in a kind of whitish mortar which may have been once the bottom of the sea...hundreds of million years ago. This marine origin gives the wines of Chablis their unique flavour.
Drouhin estate: 27.3 ha. (68.25 acres).
Average age of the vines: 24 years.
Biological cultivation since 1990 and biodynamic cultivation since 1999.
Soil maintenance: age-old methods. Ploughing: "buttage" (hilling up around the vine-stocks) in autumn; "débuttage" (ploughing back in spring); work between the rows and the vine stocks done with manual tools only.
Treatment: only authorized products for biological cultivation are used - infusions and macerations of plant materials, sulfur and copper, powdered rock. Natural predators are not eliminated.
Plantation density: 8,000 to 10,000 stocks/ha.
Pruning: double Guyot "Vallée de la Marne" (for its resistance to frost).
Yield: we aim for a lower yield, such as it existed before the new law. This yield is therefore the present maximum yield minus 20%.
Average yield at the Domaine: 55.13hl/ha (the yield currently authorized for the appellation is now 60hl/ha).
Wine Advocate:90 points
Chablis Reserve de Vaudon takes shape beautifully in the glass with layers of pure, crystalline fruit. The wine shows lovely inner perfume and sweetness on the pliant mid-palate as it flows through to the long, chiseled finish. This is a terrific effort.
Wine Spectator:90 points
An elegant style, fresh and brimming with apple, peach, lemon and mineral flavors. Harmonious, with the lingering finish evoking a savory quality.