約瑟夫杜亨Joseph Drouhin,一間承襲130年傳統,成立『葡萄酒頂尖世家』協會,與波爾多Chateau Mouton、德國Egon Muller、西班牙的Vega Sicilia等酒莊平起平坐的勃根地酒商。
自酒商身份轉為購買自有葡萄園,第一個就囊括Beaune區最優良的一級園慕須園Clos des Mouches,並成為此園的最大擁有者,旗下所有葡萄園並於2006年後完全實行『自然動力法』。
莊主註解這一款酒有如優雅的Batard-Montrachet與強而有力的Corton-Charlemagne的綜合體!WA給予93+高分,並說『眾多勃根地白酒佳釀中,Clos des Mouches必會是我的選擇』,Stephen Tanzer的IWC也不吝嗇的給了這樣高品質93+高分!BH給予91分並稱讚他有『優異的尾韻長度』!
飲酒過量 有害健康
酒莊:Joseph Drouhin 約瑟夫杜亨
產區:法國 Burgendy
全名:Joseph Drouhin Beaune 1er Cru "Clos des Mouches" Blanc
中文:約瑟夫杜亨 慕須園 白酒
葡萄品種:100% Chardonnay
Joseph Drouhin原本為酒商,並無自有葡萄園,其子Maurice Drouhin承繼家業後,為了更能管控葡萄酒品質,他開始購買葡萄園,其中包括名聞遐邇,位在伯恩城南的慕須一級園Clos des Mouches,以及梧杦特級園Clos de Vougeot。
現今Joseph Drouhin由第四代接手管理,遵循著130多年來的傳統,同時在日新月異的科技中,提升酒質、持續創新、發揮極限,在傳統與創新間取得平衡,並遵守著前人的願景,提供細緻優雅的勃根地佳釀。1993年時,Joseph Drouhin為了與各地酒莊菁英進行交流,成立了『葡萄酒頂尖世家』協會,成員集結了世界各地知名的家族酒莊,包括法國波爾多的Chateau Mouton、德國Egon Muller、西班牙的Vega Sicilia酒莊等。
慕須園Clos des Mouches位於勃根地Beaune南端,是可追溯至1550年左右的歷史名園,也是Beaune品質最好的一級園,Joseph Drouhin是這個葡萄園最大的地主,35公頃中就擁有14公頃,且皆位在良好的東南向坡面,其中50%種植Chardonnay,另外50%則種植Pinot Noir,說到品質,慕須園的白酒品質與名聲都在紅酒之上,可以說是必嚐的絕世極品!
高齡45年的老藤葡萄於採收後在25%新橡木桶中陳年12-15個月,帶飽滿金黃色酒體,散發白玫瑰豐富花香,果香漸醒後發出烘烤過堅果與杏仁香氣,並昇華為氣味強烈的香草與柑橘香氣,帶點肉荳蔻味道,優雅地交織,口感鮮明豐潤,架構完整並有耐人回味的礦物後韻,有如優雅的Batard-Montrachet與強而有力的Corton-Charlemagne的綜合體!WA給予93+高分,並說『眾多勃根地白酒佳釀中,Clos des Mouches必會是我的選擇』,Stephen Tanzer的IWC也不吝嗇的給了這樣高品質93+高分!BH給予91分並稱讚他有『優異的尾韻長度』!
Wine Advocate:93+ points
The Beaune Clos des Mouches, one of the Drouhin’s flagships, is impossibly young. It needs several years, at a minimum, to shed some of its baby fat. Clos des Mouches has a great track record of aging, and while I rarely take the risk of cellaring white Burgundy these days, if I were to cellar a handful of whites, Clos des Mouches would be one of my choices. Today, it is the wine’s exceptional textural elegance and precise, saline minerality that make the deepest impression.
Stephen Tanzer(International Wine Cellar):93+ points
Bright yellow. Gingery peach, toast, crushed stone and smoky minerality on the slightly reduced nose. Rich, sweet and plush, with a touch of spice to the ripe, smoky stone fruit flavors. Boasts an almost glyceral sweetness today, but this very young wine needs time in bottle to lose some of its baby fat. Philippe Drouhin notes that this wine always gets reductive during elevage and that this quality takes at least a year in bottle to dissipate. He likes Clos des Mouches old, But then Drouhin admits that he generally prefers older wines because he dislikes the aromas and flavors of new oak.
Burghound(BH):91 points
A beautifully layered nose is remarkably complex as it combines notes of petrol, mineral reduction, lemon zest, white flowers and a hint of wood. There is reasonably good detail to the relatively soft and forward flavors that possess fine energy and excellent length.
飲酒過量 有害健康