酒莊:Domaine Romain Duvernay
產區:法國 Rhone
全名:Domaine Romain Duvernay Cote-Rotie
中文:杜維那 侯帝坡紅酒
葡萄品種:100% Syrah
Cote-Rotie是是法國北隆河區最北邊的菁華區塊,其中以金丘Cote Blonde與棕丘Cote Brune所產的葡萄最為優異,杜維那家族的這款Cote-Rotie便是來自這兩個優質地塊,發酵平均達到25至32度以萃取最多的Syrah葡萄果香。
北隆河2010年份的酒款是美國葡萄酒專業雜誌Wine Spectator評為95-98分的好年份:涼爽潮濕的春季造成這年的產量創下歷史新低,但完美的夏秋生長季造就出優質的葡萄,釀造出來的紅酒有酸度與礦物風味,更勝09年!
這款深紫色的酒體充滿覆盆莓與辛香料氣息,而且帶有明顯的紫羅蘭花香,橡木桶給予的香草與堅果類油滑氣息更增添誘人風格,底層漸漸透出果乾與皮革的香氣,這種複雜度令人嚮往!無疑是可以陳年等待,卻新年份就很好喝的頂級酒款,2009年份曾經獲得法國VINALIES NATIONALES大賽的『最超值酒款』評價,法國酒評Bilbert & Gaillard給予90好評,2010年份則獲得國際知名評鑑IWC更給予90高分。
The appearance is deep red, with violet fringe during early years. The nose gives aromas of raspberry, spices with a nuance of violet. Later on, vanilla and kernels. In the palate notes of truffle, dried fruits, leather… with lots of freshness. Uncork one to three hours before serving. If desired serve in a carafe with lamb, guinea fowl or waterfowl, not forgetting that it also marries well with asparagus, truffles , etc Laying down : slow to ripen but can be appreciated now to 15 years.
International Wine Cellar:90 points
Ruby-red. Ripe black cherry, black olive and sweet brown spices on the nose. Pliant, juicy and fresh, with harmonious acidity lifting the flavors of black raspberry, chocolate and fresh herbs. Lovely balance here: not a bit overworked or overextracted. Finishes with serious but very fine tannins and lovely length and lift. There's no hurry to consume this wine, but it's delicious already.
Grand Prix d'Excellence - VINALIES NATIONALES 2011
Silver Medal - Decanter World Wine Award 2011
Bilbert & Gaillard:91 points
飲酒過量 有害健康
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