來自Clos St-Denis特級園,位於排水良好的陡坡,加上面南受到充足日照,有『更多的均衡、更多的特色、更多的魅力』,生產出酒莊『最優雅而均衡』的葡萄酒。
屬於~柏根地Grand Cru的無上魅力~
酒莊:Michel Magnien 米歇馬尼恩
產區:法國 Burgendy
全名:Michel Magnien Clos St-Denis Grand Cru
中文:米歇馬尼恩 聖丹尼 特級園
葡萄品種:100% Pinot Noir
Frederic Magnien費得奇先生是Michel Magnien酒莊家族第五代釀酒師,一直於柏根地的Morey -Saint-Denis區生產品質優異的Pinor Noir,釀酒師費得奇先生醉心於葡萄種植以及釀造技術,將每株葡萄的果串數目降低,得到風味集中且反應地塊特色的葡萄果實,家族最優良的地塊都在Morey-Saint-Denis這一區,酒莊也擁有CLos St-Denis與Clos-de-la-Roche這兩塊特級園。
費得奇先生除了管理Michel Magnien酒莊,另外還擁有以自己為名的酒商品牌Frederic Magnien;葡萄於收成時完全去梗,發酵前不破皮而保留完整果串,裝瓶前也不澄清不過濾,得到的葡萄汁風味細膩優雅,也由於果串數低,作品裡面滿是豐富的黑櫻桃果香,這種較為新穎而集中的釀造手法,被一些酒評評為『當代企業化且最勇於創新的釀酒師』。(one of the most enterprising and innovative vignerons of his generation.)
這支酒來自柏根地Morey-Saint-Denis區的CLos st-Denis特級葡萄園,座落於較高的陡坡且面向南方,排水良好加上陽光充足,被評為是酒莊全系列中『最優雅而均衡』的葡萄酒,也是酒莊的得意之作,酒莊刻意降低產量的狀況下,得到的果香堅實而豐富,散發飽滿的紫羅蘭類花香與複雜的礦石氣味,CLos st-Denis特級園釀出的酒,其單寧成熟圓潤卻又堅實耐陳年,可以明顯感受酒質的清澈與優雅結構,搭配新橡木桶賦予的燻烤與咖啡香氣,是非常令人激賞的特級園好酒,Burghound與IWC的Stephen Tanzer都給予了非常優異的評價。
Magnien's limited primary and grand cru wines are a must for the serious wine lover.
This is so strongly reduced that the reduction continues onto the flavors, at which point it becomes extremely difficult to accurately, or fairly, evaluate any wine. I will say that the flavors are big and very rich with what appears to be fine phenolic ripeness and thus I would be comfortable saying that this is promising. How promising though is the question and I can't say with sufficient confidence to do so. Not rated.
International Wine Cellar(Stephen Tanzer):
One of the more elegant and harmonious Clos Saint Denis wines we've ever had from the Magniens; this wine just bowled us over with its aromas and its very youthful yet silky flavors. Again, here good vineyard placement (higher upslope, southern exposure) shows what an edge terroir can give a savvy winemaker—more balance, more character, more oomph overall. "Captivating nose offers crushed cherry, rose petal, spices, smoke and vanilla. Lush, sweet and liqueur-like in the mouth, with good floral lift giving it a light touch. Really echoes with flowers and minerals. This very strong wine finishes long and subtle, with lovely mineral grip.
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