五號精選 - Lapostolle Clos Apalta 2005 阿帕塔之園(WS百大第一)
到底存在了什麼?讓法國百年釀酒世家與『飛行釀酒師』Michel Rolland千里迢迢打造美酒?
100%保留法國原生Cabernet Sauvignon與Merlot的『智利波美侯』,醞釀出WS的『百大第一』,短短12年就成為酒類收藏家們競相蒐購的新寵!
大手筆以人工『逐粒手工去梗』,僅挑選最完熟的老藤果實釀造,釀出的酒極為複雜且變化多端!WS給予96分極高評價,Wine Access給予95分,Wine Enthusiast也賦與94高分,Wine and Spirit也同樣下了94的高分評價,現在2012年已經進入試飲期,千萬不要錯過這完熟『百大第一』的迷人風貌!
酒莊:Lapostolle 拉普斯托
全名:Lapostolle Clos Apalta
中文:拉普斯托酒莊 阿帕塔之園
葡萄品種:42% Carmenere、28% Cabernet Sauvignon、26% Merlot、4% Petit Verdot
Casa Lapostolle拉普斯托酒莊是聞名於世的法國波爾多Marnier-Lapostolle家族與智利Rabat家族與1994年共同創立,現在已經由Lapostolle家族100%掌管,酒莊主人Alexandra是Grand Marnier香橙干邑酒創造人的孫女,家族釀酒有非常的歷史,酒莊葡萄園超過450公頃,酒莊雖年輕但旗下有許多老藤葡萄園,他們同時聘請『飛行釀酒師』Michel Rolland來擔任釀酒顧問,酒質多果香且濃郁強勁,且同時蘊含多種層次的爆發力。
智利的葡萄園有一個其他產酒國所羨慕的特點,位處安地斯山西側的狹長地帶,西北環山且東南臨海,這樣隱世獨立的地理條件,讓葡萄樹世紀毀滅之災-葡萄根瘤蚜蟲,無法到達此處,所以不需嫁接於新世界葡萄樹之上,Casa Lapostolle葡萄園中的Cabernet Sauvignon與Merlot是道地的法國原生品種,葡萄的風味實質而純粹,當初Lapostolle家族會來到智利打造新一代的頂級佳釀,也是出自此因。
酒莊旗艦酒Clos Apalta為精選地塊所釀造,這些地塊被稱為『智利的波美侯』(Pomerol of Chile),葡萄園種植了波爾多葡萄品種,收成時以人工『逐粒手工去梗』,僅挑選最完熟的果實釀造,因葡萄樹年齡高,更有著自然低產量與明顯的風土特色。
Clos Apalta第一個年份為1997年,手工採收並100%完全去梗,放在小型法國橡木桶內發酵,最後於法國橡木桶內陳年24個月並裝瓶,品質非常優異,2000年份獲得WS百大第三名,2001名列第二名,2005則年份則獲得第一名的殊榮,是『百大的常勝軍』!年產量僅5000箱左右,短短數年間已經成為收藏家們競相蒐購的新寵!
這款2005年份是Wine Spectator的『百大第一』,明顯奔放的成熟漿果,飽含咖啡、藍莓、焦糖、菸草、松露等高雅氣息,氣息集中收斂,單寧充足但卻有如被刨光一般的剔透成熟,多種辛香料為酒香披上柔順金亮的羽毛,極為複雜且變化多端!WS給予96分極高評價,Wine Access給予95分,Wine Enthusiast也賦與94高分,Wine and Spirit也同樣下了94的高分評價,現在2012年已經進入試飲期,千萬不要錯過這完熟『百大第一』的迷人風貌!
Wine Spectator:96 points(No.1 of Top 100)
Gorgeous aromas of warm ganache and mocha lead to a rich, velvety palate loaded with currant, fig paste, black licorice, cassis bush and bramble notes. The long, juicy finish has great grip and density, with echoes of graphite, dark fruit and mineral. Should greatly reward cellaring. Carmenere, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Petit Verdot. Best from 2009 through 2019.
Wine Access:95 points
Carmenere 42 per cent, with 26 per cent merot, 28 per cent Cabernet Sauvignon and 4 per cent petit verdot (planted in 2000), all hand-destemmed. Exuberant, ultra ripe black fruit and spice on the nose; new wood is almost fully absorbed by the concentration - great complexity. The palate is full and surprisingly solid, with abundant, chewy, but ripe and plush tannins. This is a real mouthful of wine and a seeming departure from previous vintages that were less structured and probably less age worthy. The 2005 Apalta will be a wine for the ages, already showing its class and depth. Best 2012 to 2025.
Wine Enthusiast:94 points
Clos Apalta continues to push the envelope for Chilean icon wines. It’s always been a blend of four or five Bordeaux grapes, and the 2005 is every bit as structured, tight and ripe as any predecessor. There is an intense blanket of new oak that tastes of mint, cinnamon, sawdust and black licorice. When that subsides (maybe in another 12 months), expect racy and complex berry flavors, pinpoint tannins and preserving acidity. Hold for another two years; then drink through 2014.
Wine and Spirit:94 points
Since the first vintage in 1997, this blend of old-vine carmenère, merlot and cabernet has shown an exuberant personality, a direct connection to the warmth of the Colchagua Valley. This new vintage builds on that connection with a voluptuous aroma of blackberry, blackcurrant and sweet spices. The texture is as round and ample as an Italian actress from the 1960s, with a similarly seductive charm. Save this for five years.