五號好酒#138 - 智利的驕傲 Montes Purple Angel 2009
Montes酒莊的老闆之一,同時也是首席釀酒師的Aurelio Montes非常有才華,天生就是當釀酒師的料,他在學生時代,便想證明位於Colchagua區的Apalta Valley是智利生產紅酒最好的地方;這個地區是丘陵與斜坡,土壤貧瘠,表層是厚厚的砂礫,平均坡度15度,最陡甚至可達45度,不過Aurelio Montes認為這裡西邊靠近海洋,東邊是山脈,日間溫暖可供葡萄成熟,夜間涼爽讓質地更為細緻,提供了完美的成長環境。
憑著Aurelio Montes的直覺與理想,他在Apalta的陡坡上種植Syrah品種,這也成了Montes Folly的由來。這片名為La Finca de Apalta的園地是幾乎無法耕作的山坡,更別提利用機械大量收成,如此貧瘠、整地困難、照料不易,極度仰賴人工的地方栽種葡萄,所花費的時間與昂貴代價 難以計算,這樣的行為被同行認為是愚笨,而且這個地區從來沒有嘗試過種植Syrah品種,也沒有人能保證釀出來的酒是否能夠入口,但Aurelio Montes憑著多年來的狂野夢想,堅持走下去。而成果是豐碩的,現在Montes是世界最大的釀酒集團之一,而且驚人的是雖然產量多,但仍能夠兼顧品質。
酒莊:Montes S.A.蒙帝斯酒莊
產區:智利Apalta Vinyards, Colchagua
全名:Montes Purple Angel
中文:蒙帝斯 紫天使
葡萄品種:Carmenere 92 %, Petit Verdot 8 %
世人普遍認為Carmenere葡萄品種已消失於1880年代,葡萄根瘤蚜蟲害侵襲波爾多之時,而它又在智利重新出現於世人面前是10幾年前的事。現在智 利已經成為Carmenere唯一的家,並認定它為「智利的葡萄品種」,以及從絕種狀態中復活的「侏儸紀公園品種」。Aurelio Montes先生,經過漫長的等待,於2003年成功調和出這款含高比例Carmenere的酒,紫色天使。以Carmenere 和 Petit Verdot調配釀製成,有一半的Carmenere產自La Finca de Apalta 莊園,提供了複雜感和細緻感;同時Petit Verdot也是產自這個莊園。另外一半Carmenere則是產於Marchigue的Archangel 莊園,提供酒質的結構和力道。
特別請工人於清晨進行採收的工作,以保有最好的果香;葡萄要再經過輸送帶由工人嚴格篩選過,只有最佳品質的葡萄才會放入發酵槽。發酵完成的酒液會以全新法 國(50 %)和美國橡木桶(50 %)陳年18個月。裝瓶前不經過濾處理,裝瓶後還在酒廠陳年一年後才上市。深邃年輕的紫色。馥郁鮮活的香氣結合了黑色漿果、香料、咖啡、燒烤的氣味。酒質 相當飽滿,紮實而成熟的單寧提供這款酒良好的架構,以豐富甜美的果香為中心,加上煙草、煙燻的香味,組成相當怡人的口感。適合搭配使用香料烹煮的肉類、野 味;酒廠建議飲用前1小時先開瓶醒酒。
Grapes are carefully hand picked. Clusters go through a grape by grape selection made by hand with a team of 14 people, in which only good fruit is allowed into the tank. During the 18 months of barrel aging, the wine is racked 3 times to get rid of lees, and allow some oxygen to interfere in the evolution and maturation of this wine.
90 Points - Robert Parker's Wine Advocate:
"The 2009 Montes Purple Angel is a blend of 92% Carmenere and 8% Petit Verdot sourced from Apalta and cooler, coastal Marchigue estates. It has a powerful bouquet of raspberry, wild strawberry, melted tar and dried flowers. The palate has a ripe, rounded entry with good definition, spicy black fruit, and touches of licorice, thyme and white pepper all vying for attention. It builds nicely in the mouth to a dense, tarry finish and forms a satisfying Carmenere. Drink 2014-2022.
Wine Advocate:93 points(2006)
The 2006 Purple Angel is composed of 92% Carmenere and 8% Petit Verdot (an increasingly important blending grape in Chile) aged for 18 months in new French oak before bottling without filtration. Purple/black in color, it has a splendid perfume of toasty oak, pencil lead, incense, sage, blueberry, and blackberry. Layered, bordering on opulent, this full-throttle wine has gobs of fruit, succulent flavors, and a long, pure finish. Cellar it for 5-7 years and drink it from 2015 to 2026. It is another example of just how good Carmenere can be when grown in the right terroir with extended hang-time.
Wine Advocate:94 points(2007)
Wine Advocate:93 points(2008)
International Wine Cellar:92 points(2006)
Blend of Carmenere and Petit Verdot, aged in new French and American oak for 18 months, from the Colchagua Valley Region in Chile. Glass-staining ruby. Pungent scents of red and dark berry preserves are complicated by musky herbs, cracked pepper and potpourri, with a suave undercurrent of oak spices. Sweet, pliant blackberry and candied cherry flavors are framed by velvety tannins and given a tangy edge by a bright minerality that builds on the finish.