酒莊:Vina Porta
產區:智利 Maipo
全名:Porta Grand Reserve Merlot
中文:波塔酒莊 陳年精選梅洛
葡萄品種:100% Merlot
Grand Reserve Merlot特別由winemaker在4月初親自挑選葡萄,存放在不受污染的不鏽鋼槽,溫度控制在26~30°C中浸軟20天發酵完成,之後存放在新的法國橡木桶中12個月持續發酵。其顏色呈現艷麗純淨的紫羅蘭色,並帶有成熟黑醋栗、黑莓及乾梅的果香,優美結合了樹木和烤土司香。集合了多種水果和梅子的香味,與平順的丹寧結合產生了持久而豐富的餘味。建議搭配白肉與重口味乾酪使用。
Merlot has gotten a bad rap as of late but there is no denying the wine's appeal. Packed with deep, dark berry fruit and nuanced hints of cocoa, herb and earth with a soft structure. Its velvety texture makes Merlot instantly appealing and an obvious alternative to similar, more tannic Bordeaux varieties.