五號精選 - Heartland Stickleback Red 澳洲 赫蘭酒莊 刺魚紅酒
全名:Heartland Stickleback Red
中文:赫蘭酒莊 刺魚紅酒
葡萄品種:Cabernet Sauvignon、Shiraz、Grenache
Heartland酒莊是由澳洲天才釀酒師Ben Glaetzer與他的朋友們於2001年成立,他於28歲酒釀出名酒『Amon-Ra蒼穹之眼』而獲得品酒大師如Robert Parker與James Halliday的好評。此酒款芳香強勁,酒體多汁且飽滿,帶有馥鬱的紫羅蘭色澤於其中,香氣濃郁,充滿黑醋栗與夏季莓果味,並帶著些許清涼薄荷味,口感圓潤柔順,展現巧克力與櫻桃、梅乾等深色水果元素,以及鮮活的黑醋栗酸味。
Rounded tannins and impressive structure. The wine is fragrant, spicy and juicy. The Cabernet Sauvignon & Shiraz give the wine a rich, savoury character. The Dolcetto has firmer tannin than the Grenache and gives this multi-layered wine an appealing strawberry lift.