五號精選 - Bundaleer Clare Valley Riesling
邦達利酒莊 克萊河谷 麗絲玲白酒
澳洲葡萄酒大師James Halliday給予酒莊四顆半星(最高五顆)的優質評鑑!
來自種植Riesling白葡萄最優質的Clare Valley克萊河谷,這裡釀出的Riesling白酒有果香又同時帶有晶瑩剔透的結構,無外乎被稱為『澳洲Riesling之最』。
澳洲葡萄酒大師James Halliday給予93高分,並評為『Highly Recommend』!英國知名葡萄酒作家Matthew Jukes還稱他是『卓越的Riesling』!這麼優質的極品白酒,千萬不要錯過!
酒莊:Bundaleer 邦達利酒莊
全名:Bundaleer Clare Valley Riesling
中文:邦達利 克萊河谷麗絲玲
葡萄品種:100% Riesling
邦達利酒莊Bundaleer位於澳洲南端Southern Flinders Ranges產區,充滿原始地塊的氣息,鮮少受到人為的污染,酒莊在1998年開始種植了他的Cabernet Sauvignon與Shiraz葡萄樹藤,這個莊園由兩個家庭所共同擁有,現任釀酒師為Ang Meaney,精選健康的優質葡萄來釀造葡萄酒,這裡的環境優美豐富,葡萄園自然風景廣闊,還是澳洲電影Beautiful Kate的拍攝地點之一。
Bundaleer的酒款以易飲物美價廉著稱,紅白酒與氣泡酒全部都曾獲得獎項,如所出產的氣泡紅酒曾獲得Hyatt Advertiser的『消費者年度大酒』評鑑榮耀(Consumer Wine of the Year),另外也獲得『評審大賞』(Judge's Choice)的稱讚,酒莊所產Riesling也常是金牌與特選獎的常勝軍(Gold and Trophy),這絕對是日常生活能夠輕鬆飲用的優良好酒,這也是酒廠所抱持,人生就是要快樂的理念。
澳洲最佳的Riesling產地就是Clare Valley,這裡擁有最佳的土質地塊,釀造時使用最精華的葡萄自流汁(free run juice)釀造,雖然會讓產量大減,但得以保存細膩優雅的Riesling葡萄風味,葡萄壓榨後於不鏽鋼桶低溫發酵,完整呈現葡萄成熟時的漿果清香,充滿柑橘花香,檸檬與奇異果等熱帶水果風味,乾淨、清爽、新鮮,完全是高雅Riesling的風範,獲得澳洲葡萄酒大師James Halliday給予93高分,並評為『Highly Recommended』!英國知名葡萄酒作家Matthew Jukes還稱他是『卓越的Riesling』!
James Halliday:93 points(Highly Recommended)
Light straw-green; a fragrant and flowery bouquet is followed by a delicate but long and very well focused with a mix of lime, lemon and mineral; clean, bright finish.
Clare Wine Show This delicious Riesling packs a strong punch of lime on the nose and the palate is equally forceful with its lemon balm and honeysuckle notes. But this is not a heavy wine, just a characterful one and there is no need to cellar it, because it is drinking perfectly already. As you savour the aromas and flavours of this wine more complex elements emerge of ginger, wild flowers and Asian pear, which all point to its dream cuisine combo…………Thai - I am now starving writing this note. Congrats Bundaleer on a sublime Riesling – I will finish my glass!