五號好酒# 10- Yalumba Hand Picked Shiraz Viognier 雅倫布酒莊 手摘系列 施赫維歐尼耶紅酒
使用法國北隆河Côte Rôtie地區的傳統釀造技法。
酒廠獲得Winemaker of the year的資深釀酒師親自操刀。
酒莊:Yalumba 雅倫布酒莊
產區:澳洲 Barossa Valley
全名:Yalumba Hand Picked Shiraz Viognier
中文:雅倫布酒莊 手摘系列 施赫維歐尼耶紅酒
Yalumba雅倫布酒廠建立者是英國籍的山謬史密斯Smauel Smith先生,他於1849在澳洲落地生根,Yalumba的傳奇就延續了一百五十年。Yalumba是澳洲當地土話『附近的土地』之意,在熱愛這塊土地的同時,酒廠也進行多次的發展與創新,建立起了穩定而且高品質的名聲,澳洲葡萄酒大師James Halliday給予Yalumba四顆半星的肯定(最高為五顆星)。酒莊有優良的釀酒師團隊,合作無間的默契之下,讓澳洲酒評Winestate在2007年頒給他們『澳洲最佳酒莊』(Best Winery in Australia)的頭銜,2009年甚至又再度獲得此殊榮!團隊中的資深釀酒師Kevin Glastonbury也獲得2007年的『最佳釀酒師』(Winemaker of the year)稱號,酒莊技術與品質極為卓越。
酒廠旗艦酒為澳洲Barossa的明星『Octavius八號樂章』,使用老藤Old Vine Shiraz釀造,每年皆有許多老饕爭相訂購,從2001到2003年Robert Parker給的分數分別是98、96、97分,無疑的,雅倫布酒莊對Shiraz葡萄的特性非常熟悉;五號今天要推薦的這支酒,酒標深沈俐落,是仿照法國北隆河Côte Rôtie區經典的混釀,將Shiraz紅葡萄與Viognier白葡萄做完美的互補,形成濃郁飽滿卻又細緻靈巧的展現,而負責釀造此酒的,便是酒莊的資深釀酒師Kevin Glastonbury。
既然是法國北隆河Côte Rôtie混釀的再現,Kevin Glastonbury釀造這支酒時,也比照當地的傳統工法,將採收的Shiraz與Viognier葡萄放在發酵槽共同發酵,而非像一般酒莊,將兩個品種分開發酵完成後再慢慢拿捏比例來混合,這需要對兩種葡萄特性非常了解,並且精確掌握當年生長狀況才能擔此重任,而能夠做到的,當非這位『最佳釀酒師』莫屬。
澳洲葡萄酒大師James Holliday給予94的高分,最有名的消費者購買指南The BIG Red Wine Book『大紅書』也給予93高分,連毒舌酒評家Jeremy Oliver都認為這支酒優雅純淨,悠長滑順。
James Holliday:94 points
Bright colour; oak sits atop the blue and black fruit on show, with an element of spice and violet; truly medium-bodied; silky texture, and a slow expansion of flavours from earth, tar, bramble and redcurrant; long, poised and very fine.
The BIG Red Wine Book:93 points
Some wines are like a silken glove and this is one of them. It's not overly intense, but it's in no way wimpy either, especially as its pure, cherried, raisiny flavours are full of freshness. It's got just enough blackberried oomph to skittle it through to a lengthy finish too. Exquisite tannin. With veal, it would taste awesome.
Jeremy Oliver:
Elegant, polished and seamless, this pristine and silky young wine has a musky perfume of blackberries, smoked meats, raspberries and licorice backed by dusty notes of pepper, cloves and cinnamon. Long and smooth, it's supple, brightly lit and finely crafted, with a lingering presence of spicy and slightly meaty flavour tightly woven around a supple, pliant spine of soft tannins and punctuated by refreshing acids.