五號好酒 57 -
澳洲葡萄酒大師James Halliday名列最高紅色五顆星Outstanding酒莊,Tasmania產區唯一被澳洲大酒商Langton選入頂級酒指南的酒莊!
WA給予『貴為珍稀且值得努力尋獲』評價!英國首屈一指,最在意酒體均衡性的評鑑家Jancis Robinson稱讚是『澳洲的里程碑』!James Halliday稱他『Best of the Best』!英國葡萄酒大師協會前主席Anthony稱他釀出『世界上最頂級的酒』!
酒莊:Domaine A 大A酒莊
全名:Domaine A Merlot
中文:大A酒莊 梅洛
葡萄品種:100% Merlot
由Ruth與Peter Althaus所擁有的Domaine A酒莊,位於澳洲南端的Tasmania塔斯馬尼亞小島上,周圍群山環繞,是整個澳洲氣候最為寒冷的產區,能充分表現葡萄最細膩多變的風貌。
酒莊的優勢在地點,因收成季節普遍乾燥,可以讓葡萄慢慢成熟而不受病媒影響,不像許多歐洲國家葡萄園有秋雨或冬雨問題,果實得以吸收更多陽光能量與地塊給予的精華,搭配低溫環境,生長出的葡萄有著纖細卻強烈的芳香,莊主選擇Tasmania這個地點的本意,著眼於『我要緯度帶來的冷冽,而不是高地或海風,我希望由陽光來讓葡萄熟成,而不是溫度』,這些完全符合現代細膩風格葡萄酒的條件;且Domaine A依照傳統哲學釀酒,在不破壞細膩果香的前提之下,萃取更多迷人香氣及帶來豐富複雜度的礦物質。
除了James Halliday給予紅色五顆星評鑑,2011年時Domaine A 還獲得『Best of the Best』評價!英國首屈一指,最在意酒體均衡性的評鑑家Jancis Robinson,稱讚Domaine A 是『澳洲的里程碑』且『現今澳洲酒的模範』(Landmark Wine of Australia. Current Australian stereotype.),連WA都稱讚他的頂級酒是『貴為珍稀且值得努力尋獲』的佳釀(truly special and worth the effort to find.);英國『葡萄酒大師協會』前主席Anthony Foster甚至稱Domaine A的酒是『世界上最頂級的酒』(...must be judged amongst the very top wines of the World)。
英國Decanter的專任作者Mathew Jukes,在嘗試了這支Merlot後形容『世界上有些最好的酒是Merlot為主釀造,例如波爾多右岸的Petrus酒莊,而沒想到在新興產酒區也能釀出如此偉大的酒!』,『野櫻桃和李子果香,由極好的木桶香氣與酒體骨架支撐,莊主Peter Althaus釀造的酒值得像福音一般被歌頌。』,『澳洲可以釀出世界頂級的Merlot,最值得注意只有兩款,其中之一就是Domaine A』!
Jukes says Australia can make wonderful merlot. "The two Australian merlots worth drinking are Jim Irvine's Grand Merlot and the Domaine A Merlot from Tasmania," he says.
Some of the world's greatest wines are composed almost entirely of merlot, such as the sought-after Bordeaux wine Chateau Petrus. And for a while it was speculated that one of our vast untapped wine regions could produce great merlot.
The structured, wild cherry and damson fruit is supported by fantastic oak and ample backbone - Peter Althaus’s glorious wine demands an evangelical following.
But Jukes says Australia can make wonderful merlot. "The two Australian merlots worth drinking are Jim Irvine's Grand Merlot and the Domaine A Merlot from Tasmania," he says.