五號好酒 # 4 - Wirra Wirra Dead Ringer Cabernet Sauvignon 2006 澳洲之極長尾韻、優異個性、適飲好酒!
只要你喝過Wirra Wirra家任何一支酒,都會喜愛他果香豐沛中蟄伏的層次感,而這款酒,便是他的旗艦酒『重生之鐘』。
酒莊不但是James Halliday給予『最高五顆星』評價,更是澳洲McLaren區的『產區最佳酒廠』,並稱他『Wirra Wirra建立了傑出的葡萄酒名聲,酒質有優異的個性、品質與格調』。
知名酒評Stephen Tanzer稱讚『令人驚異的長尾韻』與『優異的清澈感』,並給予92分,另外連澳洲的毒舌評論家Jeremy Oliver都給他93分的高分,且稱『尾韻長而細膩』,可見他的酒體在濃厚之中更有精湛的平衡!英國Decanter雜誌也給予『金牌獎』評價!
酒莊:Wirra Wirra 維拉酒莊
產區:澳洲 McLaren
全名:Wirra Wirra Dead Ringer
中文:維拉酒莊 重生之鐘(旗艦酒)
葡萄品種:100% Cabernet Sauvignon
酒莊Wirra Wirra建造的年代為1894年,當初的創立者為Robert Strangways Wigley,當年最出名的酒莊品種為Shiraz,一度經營不善,甚至荒廢耕作,直到1969年Greg Trott重新整頓後,又再度將酒莊的品質提昇到現在。
Wirra Wirra被澳洲葡萄酒大師James Halliday選為McLaren Vale地區的best wineries of the regions『產區最佳酒廠』之一,並列等為最高的『五星酒廠』,有濃郁甜美的果香面貌,也有隱約節制的典雅細緻,並稱讚『Wirra Wirra建立了傑出的葡萄酒名聲,酒質有優異的個性、品質與格調』。
Wirra Wirra has established a formidable reputation for its wines. Right across the board, the wines are of exemplary character, quality and style.
這款屬於酒莊旗艦的Dead Ringer,原名叫做The Angelus,也就是法文的『鐘』,是為了紀念一口年代老舊的鐘,這口鐘是從廢棄場拿回來,被裝設在教堂上,每天早晨6點鐘、中午12點與晚上6點都會響鐘,引領信徒前往教堂接受神的洗禮;後來改名為Dead Ringer,是因太過有名,法國波爾多的Angelus酒莊為了正名,要求Wirra Wirra酒莊改換名稱,所以現在叫做Dead Ringer,仍紀念著這口大鐘的重生,酒莊以最出色的Cabernet Sauvignon做成此酒,是他們所能提供最誠摯的敬意。
不愧是旗艦酒,保有深濃漿果與多種辛香料的複雜調性,當初新鮮的果實,現在已經被時間錘鍊成果乾,展現時光帶來的層次,加上煙燻咖啡豆香氣,尾韻非常厚實綿長,實在是好喝!知名酒評Stephen Tanzer稱讚『令人驚異的長尾韻』與『優異的清澈感』,並給予92分,另外連澳洲的毒舌評論家Jeremy Oliver都給他93分的高分,且稱『尾韻長而細膩』,可見他的酒體在濃厚之中更有精湛的平衡!英國Decanter雜誌也給予『金牌獎』評價!
Stephen Tanzer(IWC):92 points
Deep red. Suave and seductively perfumed on the nose, with vibrant, floralaccented red berry and candied cherry aromas. Tangy redcurrant and raspberry flavours are gently supported by fresh acidity and firmed by slowbuilding tannins. Finishes sweet, spicy and impressively long, with outstanding clarity.
Jeremy Oliver:93 points
Scented with violets, blackberries, dark plums, smoky mocha/vanilla oak and dark chocolate, this lightly meaty, smooth and polished cabernet marries its piercing berry flavours with fine grained oak and tight, crunchy tannin. It's long and elegant, with a shapely and slightly minty palate with plump, juicy core that stretches out towards a fine and lingering finish.
Decanter:Gold Metal
The 3/4 tonne Wirra Wirra bell is rung to announce the start and finish of each vintage in McLaren Vale and for other suitable celebrations. For generations its voice rang out thrice daily at 6 am, midday and 6 p.m. from the Jesuit Church in Norwood, South Australia, calling the faithful to ‘The Angelus’ prayer. In honour of that tradition, the name ‘The Angelus’ is reserved only for exceptional parcels of Cabernet Sauvignon, which are selected and vinified at Wirra Wirra Vineyards. ‘The Angelus’ is traditionally a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon from the McLaren Vale & Coonawarra regions.
Displays wild blackberry fruits including cassis, blackcurrants and mulberry. Hints of leather, cigar box
and aniseed with spicy oak support the ripe fruits.