五號好酒 - Chalkers Crossing Hilltops Cabernet Sauvignon 2009 一嘗葡萄酒大師給予『Best of Bests』評鑑的雅緻好酒
釀酒師Celine Rousseau是不折不扣的法國人,在法國多個產區歷練後,來到澳洲大展拳腳,2002年贏得澳洲航空『年度最佳新銳釀酒師』大獎!釀酒品質優越,是當地非常火紅的新勢力!
酒莊被澳洲葡萄酒大師James Halliday評定為『年度10大新興酒莊』,短短幾年就成為最高『紅色五顆星』評鑑的頂級酒莊!美國知名葡萄酒作家Hugh Johnson出版的『葡萄酒隨身寶典』一書中也給予他『紅色三顆星』的評價(最高四顆),並且稱讚酒莊的酒『酒質極度的完美均衡』!
澳洲葡萄酒大師James Halliday給予95分,稱讚『酒體優雅』且『單寧質感雅緻』,而且得到非常出色的『Best of the Bests』評鑑!另外也獲得澳洲三大官方葡萄酒評比中,國際雪梨葡萄酒大賽的『金牌獎』,另外在澳洲小型釀酒師酒展中亦獲得『金牌獎』成績。
酒莊:Chalkers Crossing
產區:澳洲 Hilltops
全名:Chalkers Crossing Hilltops Cabernet Sauvignon
中文:查克柯新 頂峰卡本內
葡萄品種:100% Cabernet Sauvignon
Chalkers Crossing酒莊為Ted Ambler和Wendy Ambler夫婦所有,位於澳洲東部的新南威爾斯(New South Wales)的Hilltops產區,此區以氣候涼爽聞名,原本附近全種植櫻桃樹,後來有越來越多的釀酒師至此,開發這個非常適合釀造優質葡萄酒的寶地,Chalkers Crossing於1997年種下第一株葡萄樹,釀酒師Celine Rousseau從2000年開始便擔任釀酒師至今。
釀酒師Celine Rousseau是不折不扣的法國人,出生於法國Loire羅亞爾河,專攻微生物學和釀酒學,在法國的波爾多、香檳、南法Languedoc等區以及西澳的Margaret River等地學習釀酒技藝,豐富的經歷和Celine自身對釀酒的高度自我要求,成就了Chalkers Crossing酒莊在國內外的多方好評,澳洲葡萄酒大師James Halliday對Chalkers Crossing的葡萄酒一直讚譽有加,對釀酒師Celine以風土地塊為基礎的葡萄栽培技術,以及高超的釀酒技藝,化成字裡行間的極盡讚美;Celine的釀酒天份讓她於2002年贏得澳洲航空『年度最佳新銳釀酒師』大獎(young Australian Winemaker of the Year)。
2000年開始生產,Chalkers Crossing在2003年就被澳洲葡萄酒大師James Halliday評定為『年度10大新興酒莊』,現在已經是最高『紅色五顆星』評鑑的頂級酒莊,而且是當地唯一獲得這個評鑑的酒莊,正代表著『該產區第一名』,紅色五顆星代表品質穩定足以成為該區釀酒典範,需至少連續兩年以上獲得五顆星評鑑,釀酒師Celine也被稱譽『有卓越釀酒技術與極度熱情』。
Australian Wine Companion 2011 - James Halliday
"This Flying Winemaker has exceptional skills and dedication"
這頂峰卡本內是釀酒師Celine的嘔心瀝血之作,使用100%法國橡木桶陳年16個月,深濃的黑加崙果實與黑橄欖香氣,帶點由加利葉與薄荷香氣,中和了深色果實的柔軟印象,相當典型的優質澳洲Caberner Sauvignon酒,口感節制均衡,單寧實感與悠長尾韻配合的恰到好處,結構非常完整的一款好酒。澳洲葡萄酒大師James Halliday給予95分,稱讚『酒體優雅』且『單寧質感雅緻』,而且得到非常出色的『Best of the Bests』評鑑!另外也獲得澳洲三大官方葡萄酒評比中,國際雪梨葡萄酒大賽的『金牌獎』,另外在澳洲小型釀酒師酒展中亦獲得『金牌獎』成績。
James Halliday:95 points(Best of the Bests)
Crimson-purple; a fragrant bouquet of cassis and blackcurrant leads into an elegant medium-bodied palate, with fine-grained tannins providing texture and structure from start to finish.
Blue-Gold - 2012 International Sydney Wine Competition
Gold Medal - 2010 Australian Small Winemakers Show
Judges' Comments
Mark Robertson
Huge dense colour and massive aromas. Cedar, eucalypt and beautiful wintergreen fruit. It earthy, both tight and linear with good tannins. Very good with food. I just love the grainy liquorice finish on this wine with the food.
Brent Marris
A slight fish oil nose which goes through onto the palate with hints of eucalypt and mint. The tannins are strong and slightly hard. Reasonable length and weight. The wine holds its own well with the lamb and becomes more integrated.
Neil Hadley
Generous cassis with a hint of black olive. The palate is restrained with an appealing framework of balanced tannins and a medium bodied finish. The lamb however brings out a degree of greenness on the finish.
Peter Forrestal
Spicy blackcurrant and dark plum. Silky smooth structure. Quite tight juicy characters and a nice balanced finish. Matched with the lamb dish really well without altering it significantly.
Kym Milne
Lifted blackcurrant aromas. An easy palate. Simply juicy fruit and soft tannins. An easy, uncomplicated wine with the food.
Xenia Irwin
A smoky black nose. Some herbal mineral notes. A slightly green fruit style. Sweet ripeness but green stalky hedgerow fruit. Grippy tannin, medium long Damson plum notes. With food the green line fades away and the plummy fruit developed.
Sharon Wild
Aromas reminiscent of Ribena lead into a sweet palate. It lacks a little density in fruit with the food however.