酒莊:Hobbs 哈柏斯酒莊
產區:澳洲 Barossa
全名:Hobbs Grenache
中文:哈柏斯酒莊 格那希甜酒(375ml)
葡萄品種:100% Grenache
在澳洲使用類似北義大利Armarone葡萄酒的作法,相信是前所未見,何況是使用法國南隆河產區富有盛名的Grenache葡萄,酒莊在手工採收 Grenache葡萄後,將葡萄自然風乾,去除部分葡萄的水份,Grenache葡萄果實的糖分與酸度都自然濃縮,讓釀出的酒更濃郁,辛香料與花香非常獨特,酒體飽滿醇厚,在進行綠色採收與嚴格的葡萄篩選後,原本產量就不多,風乾的動作讓葡萄汁數量更少,放眼望去,很少有酒莊出產這樣有特色的酒款,除了像是哈柏斯Hobbs這樣有自信的膜拜酒莊,才以這樣獨特手法出產Grenache甜酒,極為特別,風味迷人多變,年產量僅有2100瓶,是酒莊的得意之作,非常適合搭配中菜與東南亞的辛香料理。
Winemaker's Notes:
This dessert wine has been crafted using ideas from the original semi dried wine styles of France and Italy. After hand picking, the grapes are placed on racks to semi dry. This mixed with high natural acid gives and intense clean finish on the palate. The result is our own unique style of a full bodied rich, sweet Grenache. Approximately 800 litres made.
Wine Tasting Notes:
A rich garnet colour, intense aromas of red berries, black-currants, cassis and a delicate scent of freshly cut red roses. Excellent weight of flavours showing a mixture of rich black currents, cherries, raspberries, jam, toffee apple and hints of dark chocolate and mocha. Wildly long and luscious with a wonderful clean crisp finish that lingers.