五號好酒 - 澳洲隱身膜拜酒!年產1700瓶!
澳洲膜拜酒大師Chris Ringland為Hobbs酒莊釀酒顧問,Chris他擁有的Three Rivers Shiraz,一上市價錢就突破300美元,Robert Parker推崇其為「澳洲現今最好的膜拜酒」。
Hobbs is a cult-type wine producer. The styles are in line with the cult genre.
酒莊:Hobbs 哈柏斯酒莊
產區:澳洲 Barossa
全名:Hobbs Shiraz Viognier
中文:哈柏斯 施赫維歐尼耶(旗艦酒)
品種:96% Shiraz、4% Viognier
Hobbs是一家以美國膜拜酒(Cult Wine)為借鏡的小型精品酒莊,採用Biodynamic自然動力法有機耕種,將綠色採收發揮最大效用,只留下少數精華的葡萄串,葡萄盡量掛枝而能獲得最多養分,如此堅持,造成產量極少,卻極度飽滿迷人的醇美佳釀。
酒莊主人Gregg Hobbs與Allison Hobbs邀請曾任澳洲名莊Turkey Flat的釀酒師Peter Schell管理,雖僅有15公頃葡萄園,卻握有Barossa Valley最老的幾個Shiraz葡萄園,其中有些還是19世紀末左右所種植,且未曾受到葡萄根瘤牙蟲病的影響。Hobbs的葡萄園位於海拔500公尺,是全Barossa最涼爽的區域,土層屬於粘土與岩石腐土的混合,易於保存水份,這對蒸發強烈的Barossa區是一件再好不過的事,能夠展現此區前所未有的複雜細緻,充足陽光與恰當剪枝又讓酒體集中濃郁,非常有架構,這就是Hobbs得以被酒評家冠上膜拜酒莊的秘密。
Hobbs的老藤葡萄,直接緊鄰澳洲膜拜酒大師Chris Ringland的Three Rivers老藤葡萄園,Parker稱Three Rivers Shiraz為澳洲現今最好的膜拜酒,得分皆在95-100之間,『Three Rivers is the handicraft of Chris Ringland. Possibly Australia’s greatest cult wine.』,Three Rivers Shiraz一上市價錢就突破300美元,1996與1998年份於2009年拍賣出台幣41,000左右的高價。Hobbs雖然起步比Chris Ringland晚,但擁有與他同樣的地塊與老藤葡萄樹,加上Chris Ringland是Hobbs酒莊的釀酒顧問,無庸置疑,成為下一個超級膜拜酒莊只是時間問題。
這支酒是以Shiraz與Viognier葡萄所混釀,是想要仿照法國北隆河最北端Cote Rotie區,這裡的酒以細緻優雅又富有迷人花香而為人稱道,這樣的混釀比例搬到澳洲,再利用精選葡萄加以製造,有著花香、杏仁、黑醋栗果醬,更特別是醒酒之後還有松露香氣,添加的Viognier葡萄讓酒體均衡性與複雜度都更上層樓,酒體強勁厚實,果香與口感皆非常集中,而且「非常優雅」,由膜拜酒莊所呈現的畫面,竟是如此奇特,給澳洲Barossa Valley釀酒業帶來無比震撼,年產量僅有1700瓶左右,屬於收藏等級的膜拜酒,WS給予93分,澳洲的知名酒評Huon Hooke也給予92分!
Wine Spectator:93 points
Huon Hooke:92 points
Winemaker's Notes:
The Shiraz used to make this wine was planted by us in 1998 using cuttings from our Old Vine Shiraz. Hand pruned & hand picked. Minimum watering. The Shiraz is blended with a small amount of our own Viognier. The result is an elegant fullbodied Barossa wine. 1300 litres made.
Wine Tasting Notes:
A small patch of our Semillon was chosen in 1999 to graft over to Viognier for the purpose of making this Rhone style wine, simply because we like it. It’s very exciting and we’re extremely pleased to present this wine to you. Despite being in bottle for only a couple of months, given time to breathe it has the wonderfully attractive aromas of ripe red berry fruits and peppery spice with the subtle sweet fragrance of viognier.
The blockbuster, super-powerful, rich 2004 Shiraz/Viognier (96% of the former and 4% of the latter) reveals notes of flowers, apricot jam, sweet creme de cassis, blackberries, and black truffles. Intense, full-bodied, and oozing with extract, this is a sensationally rich, nearly over-the-top, exotic, mouthfilling Shiraz that screams Barossa Valley.