澳洲五大中 最為人知的便是Penfolds Grange,暱稱星光園的Clarendon Hils Astralis,極難入手的Henschke's Hill of Grace,老莊名酒Wynns Michael,以及今天五號要推薦給收藏家的Armagh Shiraz妸瑪施赫。
正如愛波爾多的人一定想一嚐Lafite與Latour,來到南半球葡萄酒處區最精采的澳洲,你不得不試試這支經典而具指標性的Armagh Shiraz妸瑪施赫。
Armagh Shiraz更是酒窖中一定要留存的傳家之寶。
酒莊:Jim Barry
產區:澳洲Clare Vally
全名:Jim Barry Armagh
中文:金柏瑞 妸瑪施赫(旗艦酒)
葡萄品種:100% Shiraz
金柏瑞Jim Barry是澳洲少數獲得澳洲葡萄酒大師James Halliday評定的五星酒莊之一。
Jim Barry於1964年購買下Armagh地區Duncan McRae Wood這裡70英畝土地,奠定了他成功的關鍵。由精選的Armagh區葡萄而釀製的Armagh Shiraz於1985年生產第一個年份,酒評家Robert Parker公開稱讚其為澳洲偶像酒之一,與Penfolds Grange、Clarendon Hils Astralis、Henschke's Hill of Grace、Wynns Michael等澳洲酒款平起平坐,業內稱這五之酒為『澳洲五大』,產量皆非常稀少,眼尖的人應該會發現,不同於波爾多五大,這五支頂級酒全部是用澳洲最出名的Shiraz釀造,可以說是Shiraz葡萄的極致。
澳洲葡萄酒逐漸受到國際收藏家和投資人重視,澳洲著名的葡萄酒拍賣公司Langton's為了讓買家瞭解市場對澳洲葡萄酒喜好和需求的變化,自 1991年開始編製Classification of Australian Wine〈澳洲葡萄酒分級〉,現已成為市場上投資澳洲葡萄酒的重要指標,分級共分四等,分別是
● Exceptional
● Outstanding
● Excellent
● Distinguished
這份指標反應全球葡萄酒投資人的喜好,妸瑪施赫Armagh Shiraz在歷屆版本中總是評價於Exceptional或是Outstanding之中,特殊性無可比擬,當波爾多五大已經無人不知無人不曉,這種富含特殊性的頂級酒是你酒櫃中不能或缺的一環。
這瓶2007年份妸瑪施赫Armagh Shiraz由老藤Shiraz釀造,口感豐富平衡,卻又多變複雜,像是潘朵拉的盒子一般,深不可測,WA給予96高分評價,預期適飲期長達40年,是你一定要嘗試的老藤魅力。
Smell: A rollercoaster ride of opulent fruit and aristocratic elegance. A massive attack of fruit; Boysenberry, Blueberries, Plum. Interwoven complexity; Menthol, Spearmint, Rose, Lavender, Spice.
Taste: A Pandora’s box of intricacy and sophistication. The staring role; Loganberry, Blackberry, Mulberry. The supporting act; Cracked Pepper, Sage, Mint, Roasted Coffee Beans. Seamless yet structural tannin structure. Approachable, Inviting, Satisfaction, Minerality.
Time: A wine hand crafted with the Jim Barry philosophy to be enjoyed upon release but demands a long sleep in the cellar to allow the wine to demonstrate all that it beholds.
Wine Spectator:94 points
Big, ripe and powerful, but ultimately seductive, Jim Barry Shiraz Clare Valley The Armagh 2000 offers rich plum, cherry, pepper and sweet leather flavors. The texture is velvety and the finish sails on and on. This profile is pretty much what the wine-drinking world expects from big-time Australian Shiraz. The flavors have a family resemblance to those of Northern Rhône Syrahs, but the accent is different.
Wine Advocate:96 points(2007)
Jim Barry’s flagship is the famous Armagh Shiraz. The 2005 Shiraz “Armagh” was sourced from a vineyard planted in 1964 on its own roots. It spent 18 months in French and American oak and was bottled without fining or filtration. It has an alluring bouquet of cedar, Asian spices, pepper, boysenberry, plum, and blackberry. This leads to a full-bodied yet elegant Shiraz with a velvety texture and impeccable balance. It offers up gobs of ripe fruit flavors, serious depth and concentration, and a very long finish. It will continue evolving with an additional 6-8 years of cellaring and drink well through 2035.