前幾檔五號介紹『澳洲Penfolds Grange』前釀酒師John Duval,當時2006年份的Plexus GSM在發信後第三天下午就被搶購一空,連五號想自己暗藏兩瓶都沒辦法...
目前已有 2008 / 2009 / 2012 年份到貨啦!上次扼腕的朋友,這次手腳可要快一點喔。
John Duval在Penfolds工作30年,就在他擔任首席釀酒師的期間,將Penfolds Grange推上世界舞台的頂峰。
這支三種葡萄混釀的Plexus GSM,是John Duval浸淫葡萄酒30年,對葡萄酒的知識、熱情與了解所展現出來的心血成果。
Plexus, Wine Advocate與James Holliday都給予92分的優質評價,是Penfolds Grange精神的未來延續!
酒莊:John Duval 約翰杜佛
產區:澳洲Barossa Vally
全名:John Duval Plexus GSM
中文:約翰杜佛 普雷斯GSM紅酒
葡萄品種:51% Shiraz, 28% Grenache, 21% Mourvedre
年份:2008 / 2009 / 2012
John Duval為澳洲的傳奇釀酒師,他在Penfolds酒廠工作了30年,其中有17年擔任首席釀酒師,把Grange這支南半球第一的膜拜酒推上世界舞台,開啟澳洲也能釀造頂級酒的證明,品質能與波爾多五大抗衡,1990年份的Grange為1995年WS百大第一名,而1995年份的Grange更被選為20世紀最佳的12支葡萄酒,往往是頂級收藏家的must buy!
2003年起,John Duval使用自己的名字創立了John Duval酒廠,行家知道他就是Penfolds Grange的成功推手,所有系列酒款剛一推出便造成搶購,一瓶難得,現在台灣終於引進。John Duval提到,這家酒廠絕對不是另一個Penfolds,這是他浸淫葡萄酒30年,對葡萄酒的知識、熱情與了解所展現出來的成果。
John Duval Wines will never be another Penfolds - it is simply my chance to express my 30 odd years of premium winemaking knowledge using some of the best fruit in the world.
John Duval 最自豪的混釀酒,包含Shiraz、Grenache、Mourvedre三種葡萄,其中Grenache為50-60年的老藤,Mourvedre則更是超過100年樹齡,100%橡木桶陳年16個月,其中僅用10%新桶,其他為法國舊桶,釀出來的酒質不會有太突兀的桶香,卻搭配得宜。
John Duval期待這支酒有極好的平衡感與尾韻,讓橡木桶香成為果香的點綴,而不是主角,另外也使用較為傳統的方法來釀造,讓他年輕便容易親近。
My aim with Plexus is to express the wide spectrum of red fruit flavours from Shiraz, Grenache and Mourvedre, but also provide structure with a seamless balance and long finish. A low percentage of new oak adds complexity rather than dominate the berry fruit. Traditional, low intervention winemaking techniques are employed with Plexus, allowing the wine to be approachable in its youth but also have great potential for improvement in the bottle, under good cellaring conditions, for at least 8-10 years.
摩卡,綿柔果香,結構結實而易飲,尾韻多焦糖與煙燻香氣,極為迷人,非常好喝的酒,甜美又隱含節制調性。Wine Advocate與James Holliday都給予95分的極致評價,還是支超值之選;Stephen Tanzer甚至認為這樣細緻的表現讓他聯想到Pinot Noir黑皮諾。光是這樣的分數與評價,加上極為低廉的價格,就值得讓饕客急忙下手!
Jeremy Oliver:93 points
Fine, elegant and well structured, this balanced and approachable red bend has a fresh, briary and slightly confiture-like aroma of blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries and sweet chocolate/vanilla oak with licorice and clove-like undertones. It's vibrant, mouthfilling and juicy, round and generous, delivering a smooth, creamy presence on the palate delightfully stuffed with dark fruits and underpinned by fine tannins. It finishes dusty and savoury, with meaty elements balanced by sweet oak.
Wine Advocate:92 points
The Plexus Grenache (28%)-Shiraz (51%)-Mourvedre (21%) was aged for 16 months in predominantly seasoned French oak. It is dark ruby-colored with a perfumed nose of cedar, tobacco, lavender, kirsch, and black cherry. Velvety-textured, rich, and concentrated, it is packed with flavor, is impeccably balanced, and will drink well for a decade.
James Holliday:93 points
Bright, but light, colour; a fragrant bouquet of red fruits is replicated on the light- to medium-bodied palate, backed by gossamer fine, savoury tannins.
Stephen Tanzer:92 points
Deep ruby-red. Fresh raspberry and cherry aromas display a striking southern Rhone-like character, with complicating notes of dried flowers, spicecake and minerals. Juicy and smooth, with sweet red berry flavors and gentle tannins. The finish is brisk, gently sweet and long. No way I'd have guessed that this came from a drought year. Ninety percent of this wine was raised in five- or six-year-old French hogsheads, the rest in new casks.
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